As always, there may be bugs. Proceed with caution, for now.
Add toggle_icon wand action, for making wands with toggleable icons that have no spell inventory
Add pickup_delay option for dropped item entities, can be set to "infinite"
Add relative_location_offset parameter to Entity/ArmorStand Projectile action
Add timeout parameter to all Check actions, to wait a certain amount of time, repeating the check
Add CheckChatClick action, which can send a message to a player and then react to a click
Add CheckBedrockForm action, which can show Bedrock (via Geyser) players a two-button form and react to responses
Add same_block: true option to Teleport action, to allow teleporting less than one block. This is normally disallowed to prevent glitching through panes and iron bars
Add use_target parameter to CheckRequirements action, to make it easier to check target requirements
Add icon wand mode, meant to be used with the toggle_icon action, prevents icon toggling on activate
Add uuid option to attribute configurations
Add crash_destroyed effects block to RideEntity action
Add hookshot wand, model courtesy of Atrelyu
Add target_no_damage_ticks: false option to spells, to ignore targets that are invincible due to vanilla recently-damaged protection
Add pickup_delay parameter to ThrowItem action
Add source_yaw parameter to ChangeContext action
Add new ArmorStandProjectile options: reactivate_wand, active_wand
Add use_active_icon: false option to wands, to make active icons completely manual, similar to mode: icon
Add dismount_height option to RideEntity and MountArmorStand actions
Bring back Regenerate and SuperRegenerate, Conduit path. These now use a world copy (like Backup/Repair) since chunk regeneration is no longer supported
The Gather spell has been changed, the friend system is gone and it now uses chat links and Bedrock forms
A wand without a path assigned will now always have a spell inventory (if using inventory mode)
Custom Recall markers will now use the look direction that was set when creating the marker marker_maintain_direction: true can be used for old behavior
Recall changed to use shift-click to save markers, rather than aiming down
Broomsticks will not let you dismount them until you are near the ground
Fix issues teleporting to locations on half-blocks (slabs)