Magic 8.0 is Coming!
The next release of Magic (barring any important hotfixes between now and then) will be a pretty big change.
If you want to get ahead of the ball, check out the
migration notes or the
changelog. There will be some rebalancing of the survival configs, as well as a major change to how the resource pack works. If you have a custom RP that includes Magic items you may want to take a look!
Magic 8.0 will still support all Spigot versions back to 1.9.3
Changelog for 7.11
- Fix resource_pack_default_auto config option (won't change anything except for new players though)
- Fix potter wands not activating right away after opening the box
- Give the divinghelmet item night vision
- Fix broomstick dismount behavior when the duration expires
- Fix sharpness buff being allowed on a wand
- Fix ModifyEntity changing mob types to zombies unintentionally
- Fix getting recipe books with a single recipe, add tab-completion
- A "deactivate" action handler can be added to perform actions when a spell is toggled off
- Add Levitate level 6, conduit-only, works like Superfly
- Add glow option to appearance menu
- Prevent NPCs from burning