Well, hasn't it been a while! LWC doesn't often need updates, but we're definitely overdue and this one brings a variety of new features and fixes from the community, plus proper support for all of the new mangrove items in 1.19.
- Added mangrove doors, trap doors, and fence gates to the default configuration
- Added RGB color support in locale files, formatted as '%#RRGGBB%'
- Added '/cmodify owner:<owner>' for transferring protection ownership
- Added '/cdefault' for default modifications (@LadyCailin)
- Added Faction permission type with '/cmodify faction:<faction>' (@Fyreum)
- Added lwc.removeall permission for removing all of ones own protections
- Added '/lwc admin reload' to the LWC help menu (@Noorquacker)
- Added ACL permission locale message
- Improved MySQL connector compatibility (@Phoenix616)
- Improved display format of protection permissions
- Updated protection matchers to include new mangrove block variants
- Updated Spanish (@KrazyxWolf, @frequential) and Japanese (@rona-tombo) translations
- Fixed Towny outsiders able to lock town protections
- Fixed double doors still opening when cancelled by another plugin
- Fixed missing name placeholder in some locale messages
- Fixed some rare locale message parsing errors