LushFollowerPets | Bedrock Compatible, Floating Companions with Custom Models icon

LushFollowerPets | Bedrock Compatible, Floating Companions with Custom Models -----

Pets done differently, a super easy to use plugin with total customization and Bedrock Support

Version 2.0.0
This is a very large update adding the ability to add pets of all living entity types, the possibility to scale entities and additionally making the plugin fully packet based. Following this version the plugin no longer requires ProtocolLib and now requires PacketEvents.

Configuration files are backwards compatible however to see examples of the new follower pets I recommend starting fresh!

- Followers can now be any living entity type (including fake players)
- Follower entities are now fully packet based to improve performance
- Followers now have custom poses that can be triggered by some plugins when entering afk/sitting
- Followers now have a scale property which allows for increasing and decreasing the size of the entities *(All entities are shrunk by default)*
- Most of the API has been rewritten for ease of use
- Added gui format configuration for the main pets menu
- Added 'default-scale' option which defines the default scale of new pets
- Added 'height-offset' option which adjusts the height that pets will float at
- Added 'displayItem' section to pets to allow overriding the gui display item for each pet
- Added 'fpets' command alias
----------, Sep 20, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 65
First Release: Jan 27, 2023
Last Update: Nov 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
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