LuckyBlock NTD (ꜰʀᴇᴇ) | 1.8 - 1.21.4 | 16 colors ⚡ Special drops icon

LuckyBlock NTD (ꜰʀᴇᴇ) | 1.8 - 1.21.4 | 16 colors ⚡ Special drops -----

Cool revamped LuckyBlock. Say "goodbye" to the sponge, player head and resourcepack!

NEW BETA PLUGIN VERSION - 2.1.4 (Build 40)
This version is beta! Report all bugs! We are all humans (i hope) and all can make some mistakes!
  • Added WorldEdit and WorldGuard support (Temporarily 7.0+ only)
  • Added new LuckyDrop type - SCHEMATIC. Example: "SCHEMATIC : lava_cage : PLAYER". First argument - drop type. Second argument - schematic name (Locate schematic at /plugins/ntdLuckyBlock/schematics). Third argument - paste location. Two values are available for last argument (PLAYER (paste at player location), BLOCK (paste at luckyblock location)). Default configuration you can find on 1.13+ server at black luckyblock configuration
  • Fixed empty gui for getting luckyblocks
  • Added debug option for debugging (Please dont enable it without my request)
  • Added scheduled update checker (Can be disabled)
  • Updated config level, now 1.4
  • Added WG flag that prevent luckyblock break at region, but it didnt pass some tests and become temporarily disabled. I will fix it and enable in next updates
  • Config.copy() marked as deprecated. Use Config.copy(Boolean). If you will provide true config will be loaded, if false - not
  • Added new class SchematicDrop(File, Boolean). File - schematic file, Boolean - paste at block (true), paste at player (false)
You can use SchematicDrop as library for pasting schematics (But it is so stupid) Example:
Code (Java):
new SchematicDrop ( File, true ). execute (Block )
----------, Jun 5, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 59,177
First Release: May 4, 2021
Last Update: Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
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