Lucky Bounties icon

Lucky Bounties -----

A light-weight, customizable bounty plugin

2.3 Some small additions
- Added lb.drop permission which, when removed will prohibit a player from dropping his bounties when killed
- Added the option to disable items to be set as bounties all together
- Added text that will display the first 5 bounties set on a player in the GUI's head-lore

So now, about the 1.8 integration:
It's done, however my luck won't stop hitting me in the chest:
First my hard drive acts up, deletes half of my files in all m plugins, meaning a bunch of work repairing all of that, and then to top it off, when I get the repairs done, my minecraft says, "what are textures?" and stops displaying them in my 1.8.8 install meaning I can't test it.

Anyway, I'm gonna try my best to get it working somehow and when it's tested I can finally upload it
----------, Nov 3, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,052
First Release: Jul 11, 2021
Last Update: May 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
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