Lucky Bounties icon

Lucky Bounties -----

A light-weight, customizable bounty plugin

The 2.0 Rewrite
First off: thanks to everyone who has suggested features and reported bugs.
You were the ones that basically kept my motivation going.

This rewrite includes a bunch of planned and requested features, though I did drop some of the old ones.

Proper Vault and Economy integration
Actual reload functionality

Dropped but not gone (I'll add them back in later):
Random Bounties
The economy integration based of commands

This means several things:
1. The plugin mainly supports Vault based economy plugins, which for some might seem like a step back, but having a proper integration is cleaner and less buggy

2. You can now translate the entire plugin using the LANG-file

3. I can implement new features much faster and more efficiently, so if you want a new feature, feel free to suggest it to me

Touching on the 1.8 support that was requested: I haven't looked into it yet, because I was focusing on rewriting the current version of the plugin, however I will look into it when I find that the current version is good enough.

Of course it wouldn't be a Lucky made plugin if it didn't have some bugs, that I didn't remove yet:
When using commands from the console, sometimes there will be errors. Those aren't function errors so the plugin is fine, but rather they are because my plugin tries to send a message back, but of course the console isn't a player so it just throws out an error

When using the Vault integration sometimes it doesn't recognize your economy plugin because the economy plugin gets loaded after luckybounties. This is normal and to fix it, you just have to reload luckybounties after the sevrer has started

I haven't completely tested the cooldown feature, so if you discover some bugs when using the plugin please report the bug to me over the discussion or discord (Lucky44#9796)

Thanks, for using Luckybounties
----------, Sep 28, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,052
First Release: Jul 11, 2021
Last Update: May 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
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