Version 1.2 So basically, the last version was a pile of bugs. In this version most of them should be fixed and theres even a new feature.
Players can now insert items into the set bounty slot again
Players can no longer put items into the free slots in the gui
The plugin can now load the saved bounties without causing an error
New Features:
There is now a config file
You can set the messages that should appear when someone takes a bounty in the config file
The plugin now uses a custom permission lb.op instead of normal op (Can be changed)
You can set the required permission for clearing bounties in the config file
As part of the update, the feature I added in the last version (Removing individual bounties) had to be disabled (For some reason it broke after I fixed the bugs) I will try and add it in again
A few people have requested adding currency support, so that will be my next goal (Vault and or EssentialsEco support)