Lottery icon

Lottery -----

Encourage players to bet money to be in with a chance of winning the pot.

Lottery is back - 4.0.0
Since last year, I was developing a new version of the Lottery and I am glad to present it you, now.

It is High-End of my Spigot carrier.
Fully customizable, Figure, Stats, Boards, BackUps, New Modes, API and much more. No need to read configuration files. Just open the in-game settings and set properties as you like.

Why, it takes too much time?
In order to secure this resource before piracy, I decided to set it under the licence. From version 4.0.0, you need to own LicenceKey to successful startup of the plugin.

These Keys will be sent in the following hours(Max 48 hours) to each buyer of the Lottery.

In the following days, new graphics and manual will be available on the main page of the plugin.

What to do with the previous version of lottery?
You need to remove it! The whole folder named Lottery.

If you think that plugin is better than before, please support me with PayPal donation.

If you like this awesome plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks :)
----------, Jul 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 278
First Release: Oct 13, 2016
Last Update: Nov 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings