After more than half year is a new release of this awesome Lottery
What's new?
- A huge part of the plugin is newly re-coded.
- Support of 1.13 version
- New visual of the plugin. New Colors, Style
- Added TabCompleter. At using a command /lot stats plugin adds suggestions of stats (LAST, OWN, TOP)
- Better performance of MySQL
- The server can win too, it has an average count of tickets. The pot in the next round will be increased by this won money
- And the most famous feature, which was removed from versions 1.x.x. BackUp system! When server falls down all lottery round data are saved and at a loading of the server, round data are loaded. Now you can have round which takes more than one day
- Sound played to a winner
- Config was completely changed.
- Small improvements
Hope, you love it!
This update brings new variables in config and language files. It is necessary to update these file. You can use my Pastebin, where are all the required files. Or you can remove old files and plugin creates new at the start of the server. WARNING! Without these steps, the plugin won’t work!
WARNING! Make a backup of your Lottery tables in your database before updating to the new version! The plugin will repair the current database. If some error occurs you can load the backup and try to load the lottery again. If some error occurs please contact me via PM!
More information you can find on the main page of this plugin.
If you think that plugin is better than before, please support me with PayPal donation.
If you like this awesome plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks