"Everybody liked GUI of Lottery. But Now, we are bringing absolutely
NEW 100% configurable GUI."
What can you do with GUI?
- You can resize it up to 6 lines.
- You can move with items.
- You can add QUIT item.
- You can set unlimited items with tickets. (After clicking on this item, player purchase 'count' of tickets, which is set in config.)
Do you still want old GUI? Don't worry. I don't delete it. You only need to rewrite some values in config. At the main page will be Info about old GUI
You can set more than 5 or less than 5 items of Tickets.
Code (Text):
<path>: <<< Some unique name. This path you have to set in language file too!!!
itemID: 339
dataOfID: 0
slot: 27 <<< Slot where item will be displayed (0-53)
count: 1 <<<How many tickets player purchases after click on item
If you want to add new 'Ticket Item' and you have a problem, please send me a PM. We will solve it
With this version, you need to update Language file! You can add new values manually from my
(In file, from GUI are new things)
Or you can delete lang file and plugin automatically creates a new file with new lines.
If you like this plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks