Lorax Custom Trees |  1.20-1.21.4 |  Add New Trees All Over Your World icon

Lorax Custom Trees | 1.20-1.21.4 | Add New Trees All Over Your World -----

Generates Custom Trees with your World

Version: 5.2
Do you have a discord so we can get in touch? The link in the reviews has expired :)
Author's response
Sorry, I updated the bottom line to mention that we no longer use Discord. It was the same discord as a different project of mine and people associated with the other project moved to a different place. If you need help or there is a bug please submit a GitHub Issue at https://github.com/FrankTCA/LoraxCustomTrees/issues.

Version: 4.3
Wonderful plugin! The players have a special love for him. I kindly ask you to update it to version 1.21. Please.
Author's response
Apologies for the delay in updating. 1.21 has been out for a couple months now. This plugin uses a datapack to help it along, which made it very difficult to update, but we're good now!

Version: 4.3
Dear developer, this is the best of the best plugins I have ever seen. This makes the server incredibly beautiful. Please continue to support it for newer versions such as 1.21+. My players love him very much. For those who want to remove apples: download the source code from github, unpack the data package and find the resources of apples, nuts and other things in it, delete them, then pack everything back into the jar, it helped me. Thanks! This plugin has no analogues!

Version: 4.3
Dear developer, this is the best of the best plugins I have ever seen. This makes the server incredibly beautiful. Please continue to support it for newer versions such as 1.21+. My players love him very much. For those who want to delete apples: download the source code from github, unpack the data package and find the resources of apples, nuts and other things in it, delete them, then pack everything back into the jar, it helped me. Thanks!

Version: 4.2
Really nice looking trees. Thanks for making this plugin, I was wondering if you would be making any config so we can modify how the trees are generated? My main concern was enable/disable the apples that spawn on a lot of the trees. Thanks

Version: 4.1
This is really cool. The trees look great and doesn't require messing with generators! Well done chaps!

Version: 4.1
i am the lorax, i speak for the trees. this plugin looks good for me :>

very great plugin i love it

Version: 4.0
Good plugin if you need custom trees for your world :)

author give you support if you need it on his discord.

Version: 4.0
[13:01:14 ERROR]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system error at chunk (0,7), holder: NewChunkHolder{world=zy, chunkX=0, chunkZ=7, entityChunkFromDisk=false, lastChunkCompletion={chunk_class=net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ProtoChunk,status=minecraft:liquid_carvers}, currentGenStatus=minecraft:liquid_carvers, requestedGenStatus=minecraft:full, generationTask=ChunkProgressionTask{class: io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkUpgradeGenericStatusTask, for world: zy, chunk: (0,7), hashcode: 1229638121, priority: COMPLETING, status: minecraft:features, scheduled: true}, generationTaskStatus=minecraft:features, priority=NORMAL, priorityLocked=false, neighbourRequestedPriority=IDLE, effective_priority=NORMAL, oldTicketLevel=31, currentTicketLevel=31, totalNeighboursUsingThisChunk=255, fullNeighbourChunksLoadedBitset=0, chunkStatusRaw=0, currentChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, pendingChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, is_unload_safe=ticket_level, killed=false}, exception:
java.lang.Throwable: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkTaskScheduler.unrecoverableChunkSystemFailure(ChunkTaskScheduler.java:216) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.NewChunkHolder.lambda$setGenerationTask$4(NewChunkHolder.java:1672) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkProgressionTask.complete0(ChunkProgressionTask.java:95) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkProgressionTask.complete(ChunkProgressionTask.java:75) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkUpgradeGenericStatusTask.run(ChunkUpgradeGenericStatusTask.java:102) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.executor.standard.PrioritisedThreadedTaskQueue$PrioritisedTask.executeInternal(PrioritisedThreadedTaskQueue.java:351) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.executor.standard.PrioritisedThreadedTaskQueue.executeTask(PrioritisedThreadedTaskQueue.java:118) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.executor.standard.PrioritisedThreadPool$PrioritisedThread.pollTasks(PrioritisedThreadPool.java:274) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.executor.standard.PrioritisedQueueExecutorThread.run(PrioritisedQueueExecutorThread.java:50) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:1013) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:967) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.applyBiomeDecoration(ChunkGenerator.java:670) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.applyBiomeDecoration(ChunkGenerator.java:656) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.lambda$static$12(ChunkStatus.java:172) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.generate(ChunkStatus.java:304) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
at io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkUpgradeGenericStatusTask.run(ChunkUpgradeGenericStatusTask.java:83) ~[keyi-1.19.2.jar:git-KeYi-main-0dad5ec]
... 4 more
Author's response
If you're having trouble, please join our Discord at https://discord.gg/2wMPtrZbPF. We can assist you there.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,135
First Release: Jul 23, 2021
Last Update: Feb 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings