Added Title animation announcement, you can set to send Title announcements.
Added Actionbar animation function, you can set to send Actionbar messages.
Added support for BungeeCord's own placeholders.
Added new language: 繁体中文.
Added announcement whitelist function, you can set certain announcements to be visible only on specific servers.
Added console announcement switch, which can set whether to display announcements in the console.
Added command TAB complete (BungeeCord).
Added support for Metrics (bStats)
Support to 1.17.x
All placeholder variables do not need to strictly follow the capitalization rules to be recognized.
Fixed some minor bugs.
%player_ip% display the player's IP. %player_country% display the player's country or region. %player_language% display the player's using language. %player_server% display which server the player is on. %player_displayname% display the player's displayname. %player_name% display the player's name. %player_ping% display the player's connection milliseconds %player_uuid% display the player's uuid.