Limited Life icon

Limited Life -----

An accurate recreation of the mod/plugin used in the official LimitedLife series!

1.2.0 Release
New Features
- Automatic time sync when players join for the first time (toggleable)
- Added the ability to skip the configurable boogeyman delay timer with a command argument
- Added command feedback for operators (toggleable)
- Added a toggleable lightning sound when someone dies, as well as a title
- Added a toggleable slimeball recipe
- Added configuration options to disable time modification when someone dies to a player with the same name color, with a few exceptions
- Added a configuration option to make netherite unobtainable
- Added a configuration option to toggle plugin update reminders

Changes / Improvements
- There is now a separate configuration option for both enchanted and normal golden apples
- Made the '/lf modifytime' confirmation message more specific
- Changed the name of some configuration values
- Changed some default configuration values
- Setting the 'config-version' value to -1 now disables configuration update reminders
- Probably some other things I forgot about

- Players *should* no longer be put in spectator upon death when they still have time left
Please report any issues you come across!
----------, Apr 22, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,230
First Release: Mar 13, 2023
Last Update: Jan 24, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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