REMOVE ALL CONFIGS! Added cooldown: If the administrator has the permission lightcheck.cooldown.NUMBER, then the delay for the command /check <player> will be set to the value from the permission, otherwise the administrator will not have a delay. Added asynchronous where it was needed.
· Configurations have been rethought, and changes have occurred both in the code and in the configurations themselves. · The code has undergone changes, now it should work more stable
[+] Information about the number of seconds in the ActionBar [*] The timer operation has been changed [*] Fixed a bug with the remaining title (after exiting, for example) [*] Minor fixes
[-] "register" value from "plugin-settings". [+] English help (/check or /lightcheck) [+] Command /check list the list of currently checking [+] Command /check reset cancel all current checks [*] Fixed /check <player> now you can't check more than one player
[*] Removed argumets /check confirm, disprove, rt › Now you do not need to enter the player's nickname (this will protect the checking administrator from the fact that your player will be released from the check without your knowledge). [*] Minor fix /check <player> [+] Teleport-back parameter added to teleport-to-staff When the player teleports to the administrator during the check and if he was acquitted, the player will return to his previous location [+] Added TabCompleter Now entering commands will become more convenient