Lib's Disguises [Premium] [33% OFF!] icon

Lib's Disguises [Premium] [33% OFF!] -----

The premier disguise plugin for all Minecraft Servers

Released 10.0.25
Hi hi hi

Summed up, lots of fixes, translations should now be easier to write and if you want you can do fancy messages with paper using adventure text stuff and so on.
And added Java 16 support. You shouldn't be on Java 16 though. It's a bad decision by Minecraft 1.17 and FAWE as it is not a long term support release.

* Fixed /vsd being in the /disguiseviewbar command
* Fix a minor issue with illegal /reloads
* Fixed evoker fangs disappearing after disguising
* Fixed an error when updating ProtocolLib through the plugin
* Fixed a weird issue where sometimes json would fail to deserialize
* Evoker Fangs and Fireworks now start their disguises nicer
* Github is now contacted less, fixes a contacted too many times error
* Metadata is no longer sent for inactive disguises
* Disguises are now tried to not refresh if they don't have to be
* Wolf setAngry has been changed to setAnger which is an int
* Removed a duplicate and ignored config option
* Disguise event now contains the command sender if applicable
* AddFutureDisguise has an issue fixed where it wouldn't take effect
* Changed an API method for disguise cloning
* SetGlowColor is now fully implemented
* No longer uses self disguises scoreboards and all disguises now have scoreboards
* Fixed max health on disguises not working properly, added golem cracked support
* Invalid jars for premium check are now deleted automatically
* Hex support fully added
* Removed some placeholders that were duplicates
* MiniMessage from Adventure Text is now used when possible, translations converted to cover this
* LD should now forcibly update if it starts up with an error
* Fixed a small issue with utility commands now working properly in 1.12
* Falling Block now works properly on 1.12 again
* Java 16 support added
* Fixed llama unable to remove carpet
* Fixed modify collisions config option not being respected
* Fixed a distance in different worlds error
* Name lengths are now properly enforced on player disguises
* Fixed a 'classes' error that was harmless
* Saved Disguises are now saved in human readable format along with the disguise custom data
* Added a warning for offline players if they're grabbing skins, may be inaccurate cos its their own fault
* Added support for mineskin api to provide a key for faster skins
* Translations log messages has been improved
* Translations now remove duplicate strings
* setRightClicking should now be covered properly for stuff like shields
* Wither skull now looks up/down properly
* Exp should now display nicely and no longer disappear in fire
* Added a .5 second rate limit to players using disguise commands to try prevent possible issues
* Add a check to make sure disguises don't run in an offline world
* Added a new config option to cover creative self disguises removing armor
* Placeholders now treat target as sender when sender is null. Placeholders are covered in the wiki
* Toggling of self disguises is now better
* setDynamicName now works properly for player disguises and player entities
----------, Jun 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,013
First Release: Nov 30, 2016
Last Update: Apr 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
129 ratings
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