Hi all! This is another update as I'm sure you have guessed.
Along with this, I've released an API version of Lib's Disguises on the original plugin page!
If you're reading this, you're likely better off with this version
- Added comment to config to warn customers that changing command visibility, effects command blocks
- Added :slim parameter to grabskin and savedisguise functions to get the slim version of a skin
- Certain types of falling blocks can no longer be used in 1.12
- Self disguises no longer have glowing or sprinting particles on the hidden player
- Fixed boss bar disabling itself
- Disguises now refer to themselves with the right name if possible
- Fixed error with boss bars if a server used a bad name at some stage
- Premium jars should now copy themselves to the folder for use with dev builds, make it easier for dev build users!
- Added modded entity support, this lets you require users to install a forge mod then you can disguise stuff as the entities in that forge mod. You can even require the mod to be installed! For more information, you'll likely need to regenerate your disguise.yml. Make sure to back it up!
- Added /libsdisguises mods <Player?> if modded entities are in use, to see what mods they are using
- Load plugin.yml differently to fix a special error with classloaders!