Well, this is a big update!
Several long awaited features, some of which people have given up on!
The most major features are!
/savedisguise to create your own custom disguises from console or ingame with your own disguise!
/copydisguise to get the string required to recreate your disguise over and over! It might even be shorter than what you originally used!
/grabskin to either save a skin to the disguise skins folder, or just because you need the skin info yourself!
Get skins from url, file or player with the above three commands! That's right! No more uploading skins on your account! You just need to give Lib's Disguises the skin location and it'll handle the rest! This works for player disguises player names, and 'setSkin'
Bigger player disguise names! No more pesky 16 character limit! No more scoreboard team managing! No more asking me how to get longer names!
Hide your player disguise name! That's right! Player disguises, without the nametag! You can truly be Herobrine!
- Added extended names for player disguises! Yes! That means you can now disguise yourself as "&cNotch the Terrible Exterminator"! But to take full advantage of this, you will need to use "setSkin" or you will look like Steve! Don't forget to quote any names containing spaces! Even a config entry to disable this! Should probably made it a permission to make long names, eh.
- Fixed disguises being saved as an unknown charset
- Added /libsdisguises permtest & /libsdisguises metainfo! Used as debugging tools, the first tells you if the problem is Lib's Disguises for invalid permissions. And the second tells you information a developer may want to know!
- Added 'setNameVisible' to player disguises! Now you can hide your name when disguising as a player!
- Added a warning system to plugin reloaders, I don't prevent it. But you can't play stupid anymore!
- Update checker now fetches against the correct SpigotMC url, not sure why I had to update this as I already used https
- Fixed disguise option permissions being bypassable in some instances including capitalization
- Prevent multiple velocities being sent for self disguises, #JustMCThings
- Added more placeholders to custom disguises
- Wait why am I handling player UUID for teams? MC doesn't recognize that. Wait. Stop typing that. Delete! Delete! Ugh. Stupid voice to text program. I'll delete you manually later, no one cares about this.
- Default player tablist expire changed from 40 to 60 ticks
- Added /grabskin, grabs a skin from file, url or player and saves as a new skin for disguises. Also gives you the info in message.
- Added /copydisguise, parses your disguise or the provided player/uuid disguise into a usable string disguise (/disguise pig setburning)
- Added /savedisguise, saves a disguise to custom disguises (disguises.yml) for future use, accepts skin files, urls and existing players. Can parse your disguise or just save a provided string if valid
- The above features uses MineSkin.org! It also generates a skins folder for uploading files.
- Added addGameProfile, addCustomDisguise and parseToString to DisguiseAPI
- Added different checks to gameprofile fetching from mojang
- Do reflection AFTER the version check
- Removed old code and enums and added setSleeping, setSwimming and fixed setSneaking.