Bugs Fixed: - fixed fishing event
- fixed player pvp levels
- fixed debug message for farming
Changes: - remove nametagedit from config.yml
- changed the check time for sql to 3 seconds
- changed tags in lang.yml & deleted repeated tags to optimize code
- changed the way entities are handled to get exp, can now add more mobs and got rid of passive mobs check it's now 1
Added: - added support for bossbar with custom color and custom title (1.9+ support only)
- added a system to check if a player has been on the server for longer then x seconds before adding them to the sql(anti-bot system to not cause sever sql lag)
- added console support for giving boosters
Code (YAML):
lp: - '&8
- '&bLevelPoints'
- '&b/lps &fDisplays this menu'
- '&b/lps reload &fReloads config/players files'
- '&b/lps info <player> &fShows level info of a player'
- '&b/lps booster list &fShows the booster backpack'
- '&b/lps booster use <multiplier> &fUses a the current selected booster'
- '&b/lps prestige &fAllows you to prestige if requirements are met'
- '&b/lps booster give <player> <multiplier> <Amount> &fGives the player a booster'
- '&b/lps expgive <player> <amount> &fGive experience to a player'
- '&b/lps expremove <player> <amount> &fRemove experience from a player'
- '&b/lps top &fShows top 10 players'
- '&b/lps setlevel <player> <level> &fSets a players level'
- '&b/lps setPrestige <player> <Prestige> &fSets a players Prestige'
- '&b/lps addlevel <player> <level> &fadds a level to a player instead of setting it'
- '&b/lps toggle &f Toggles The LevelPoints Actionbar,
(Per Player Setting
- '&8
lpsInfo: - '&bPlayer&7> &3
- '&2Level&7> &a
- '&2EXP&7> &a
} /
- '&2EXP Progress&7> &a
- '&2Prestige&7> &a
#These are extra flags that can be used in LpsInfo these won't be used unless they are copied and pasted to lpsInfo so copy the ones you are going to use LPSEXTRA: - '&2Multiplier&7> &a
- '&2Booster&7> &a
- '&2Kills/Deaths&7> &a
} /
- '&2Blocks-Placed/Broken&7> &a
} /
lpBossBarTitle: '&bLevel:
lpBoosterNone: "&cNo booster activated" lpsBoosterList: '&3
}X &8>> &b
lpsBoosterCooldown: '&4Error&8>> &cyou currently still have
}&c left, please wait before using another booster'
BoosterGive: '&2You have just got
}x Booster'
BoosterAdminGive: '&2You just gave
}x Booster'
lpsTimeFormat: '&3
#this will only support up to {DAYS} will never support above it lpsPrestigeLevelUP: '&2You Just Prestiged to &a
lpsPrestigeLevelNot: '&cSorry but you are not Level
: &4{lp_Max_Level}&c, you must keep leveling up to be able to prestige'
lpsPrestigeMoreEXP: '&cSorry but you are missing &4
}&c EXP to be able to prestige'
lpsActionBarToggle: '&2You have toggled the LevelPoints Actionbar &6
lpsEXPGIVEPlayer: '&cYou must pick a player'
lpsEXPREMOVEPlayer: '&cYou must pick a player'
lpsEXPGIVEAmount: '&cYou Must Pick a Number of EXP to add'
lpsEXPREMOVEAmount: '&cYou Must Pick a Number of EXP to remove'
lpsTopListTop: - '&8
lpsTopListMid: - '&b
} &3
} &b-
#Warning the player tops should always only be in the mid or formatting will break lpsTopListBottom: - '&8
lpreload: '&aLevelPoints Plugin fully reloaded'
lpLevelCustomError: '&4Max Level is not set in customLeveling, please set it up to use this feature'
lpLevelCustomErrorPlayer: '&cPlease Contact the Server Admin about this error, Error-Code
: CL-EXP-Max'
lpLevelUpTop: '&2You Leveled Up'
lpLevelUpBottom: '&bYour Now Level
lpRewardMessage: '&bYou Have Received Leveling Reward'
lpRewardTitleTop: '&bLeveling Reward Received'
lpRewardTitleBottom: '&8Level Reward
: &b' lpPerLevelOre: '&cYou Need To Be
} to mine this block'
lpTimedReward: '&2You Just Received &6
} &2next amount will be in &6
} so stay online'
lpEXPGive: '&2You Just Received &6
} &2EXP from &6
#Warning if you are using the EXP give command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpSetLevel: '&2Your new Level
: &6{lp_Earn_Level} &2was set by &6
#Warning if you are using the setlevel command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpSetPrestige: '&2Your new Prestige
: &6{lp_Earn_Prestige} &2was set by &6
#Warning if you are using the setPrestige command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpServerName: 'SERVER'
#use this for when you are sending EXPGIVE command through console: DO NOT USE COLOR CODES THEY WILL NOT SHOW lpAdminEXPGive: '&2You Just Gave &6
} &2EXP
: &6{lp_Earn_Exp}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The EXPGIVE Command lpAdminSetLevel: '&2You Just set &6
} &2Level
: &6{lp_Earn_Level}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The setlevel Command lpAdminSetPrestige: '&2You Just set &6
} &2Prestige
: &6{lp_Earn_Prestige}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The setPrestige Command lpEXPRemove: '&cYou Must lost &4
} &cEXP from &4
#Warning if you are using the EXP remove command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpAdminEXPRemove: '&cYou Just Took &4
} &cEXP
: &4{lp_Earn_Exp}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The EXPREMOVE Command
LPSErrorPermission: '&4Sorry &c
} &4but you do not have the correct permissions, contact an admin if you believe this to be broken'
LPSNotOnline: '&4Sorry &c
} &4does not seem to be online right now'
Code (YAML):
lp: - '&8
- '&bLevelPoints'
- '&b/lps &fDisplays this menu'
- '&b/lps reload &fReloads config/players files'
- '&b/lps info <player> &fShows level info of a player'
- '&b/lps booster list &fShows the booster backpack'
- '&b/lps booster use <multiplier> &fUses a the current selected booster'
- '&b/lps prestige &fAllows you to prestige if requirements are met'
- '&b/lps booster give <player> <multiplier> <Amount> &fGives the player a booster'
- '&b/lps expgive <player> <amount> &fGive experience to a player'
- '&b/lps expremove <player> <amount> &fRemove experience from a player'
- '&b/lps top &fShows top 10 players'
- '&b/lps setlevel <player> <level> &fSets a players level'
- '&b/lps setPrestige <player> <Prestige> &fSets a players Prestige'
- '&b/lps addlevel <player> <level> &fadds a level to a player instead of setting it'
- '&b/lps toggle &f Toggles The LevelPoints Actionbar,
(Per Player Setting
- '&8
lpsInfo: - '&bPlayer&7> &3
- '&2Level&7> &a
- '&2EXP&7> &a
} /
- '&2EXP Progress&7> &a
- '&2Prestige&7> &a
#These are extra flags that can be used in LpsInfo these won't be used unless they are copied and pasted to lpsInfo so copy the ones you are going to use LPSEXTRA: - '&2Multiplier&7> &a
- '&2Booster&7> &a
- '&2Kills/Deaths&7> &a
} /
- '&2Blocks-Placed/Broken&7> &a
} /
lpBossBarTitle: '&bLevel:
lpBoosterNone: "&cNo booster activated" lpsBoosterList: '&3
}X &8>> &b
lpsBoosterCooldown: '&4Error&8>> &cyou currently still have
}&c left, please wait before using another booster'
BoosterGive: '&2You have just got
}x Booster'
BoosterAdminGive: '&2You just gave
}x Booster'
lpsTimeFormat: '&3
#this will only support up to {DAYS} will never support above it lpsPrestigeLevelUP: '&2You Just Prestiged to &a
lpsPrestigeLevelNot: '&cSorry but you are not Level
: &4{lp_Max_Level}&c, you must keep leveling up to be able to prestige'
lpsPrestigeMoreEXP: '&cSorry but you are missing &4
}&c EXP to be able to prestige'
lpsActionBarToggle: '&2You have toggled the LevelPoints Actionbar &6
lpsEXPGIVEPlayer: '&cYou must pick a player'
lpsEXPREMOVEPlayer: '&cYou must pick a player'
lpsEXPGIVEAmount: '&cYou Must Pick a Number of EXP to add'
lpsEXPREMOVEAmount: '&cYou Must Pick a Number of EXP to remove'
lpsTopListTop: - '&8
lpsTopListMid: - '&b
} &3
} &b-
#Warning the player tops should always only be in the mid or formatting will break lpsTopListBottom: - '&8
lpreload: '&aLevelPoints Plugin fully reloaded'
lpLevelCustomError: '&4Max Level is not set in customLeveling, please set it up to use this feature'
lpLevelCustomErrorPlayer: '&cPlease Contact the Server Admin about this error, Error-Code
: CL-EXP-Max'
lpLevelUpTop: '&2You Leveled Up'
lpLevelUpBottom: '&bYour Now Level
lpRewardMessage: '&bYou Have Received Leveling Reward'
lpRewardTitleTop: '&bLeveling Reward Received'
lpRewardTitleBottom: '&8Level Reward
: &b' lpPerLevelOre: '&cYou Need To Be
} to mine this block'
lpTimedReward: '&2You Just Received &6
} &2next amount will be in &6
} so stay online'
lpEXPGive: '&2You Just Received &6
} &2EXP from &6
#Warning if you are using the EXP give command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpSetLevel: '&2Your new Level
: &6{lp_Earn_Level} &2was set by &6
#Warning if you are using the setlevel command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpSetPrestige: '&2Your new Prestige
: &6{lp_Earn_Prestige} &2was set by &6
#Warning if you are using the setPrestige command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpServerName: 'SERVER'
#use this for when you are sending EXPGIVE command through console: DO NOT USE COLOR CODES THEY WILL NOT SHOW lpAdminEXPGive: '&2You Just Gave &6
} &2EXP
: &6{lp_Earn_Exp}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The EXPGIVE Command lpAdminSetLevel: '&2You Just set &6
} &2Level
: &6{lp_Earn_Level}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The setlevel Command lpAdminSetPrestige: '&2You Just set &6
} &2Prestige
: &6{lp_Earn_Prestige}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The setPrestige Command lpEXPRemove: '&cYou Must lost &4
} &cEXP from &4
#Warning if you are using the EXP remove command through the console DO NOT place THE, as (LP_USER) will auto correct to lpServerName anyway lpAdminEXPRemove: '&cYou Just Took &4
} &cEXP
: &4{lp_Earn_Exp}'#This Will Send the The User that Uses The EXPREMOVE Command
LPSErrorPermission: '&4Sorry &c
} &4but you do not have the correct permissions, contact an admin if you believe this to be broken'
LPSNotOnline: '&4Sorry &c
} &4does not seem to be online right now'