LevelPoints [1.16.5~1.20.*] - Network Storage [CNS] icon

LevelPoints [1.16.5~1.20.*] - Network Storage [CNS] -----

The ultimate leveling plugin

Major Update Please Read
Added Features:
- Added a whole new chat system within level points, this chat system can be used to use levelpoints and other placeholders supported by placeholderapi, it will create a new file when turned on in config.yml

- added a new reward system within rewards.yml it will also create a new file with a example inside when you enable it

- added a title within levelpoints no longer supporting titleapi

Bugs Fixed:

- Fixed a issue with Spigot Versioning spamming console with errors
- fixed a issue with SQL not sending data correctly
- Fixed a issue with 1.14 not working with LPSAPI
- fixed a issue with players.yml not saving causing courrptions

- changed the way player data is now saved it will be saved to a per player file to optimise the plugin
- Deleted old chat prefix in config.yml in replacement for new chat system (shown above)

- levelpoints will no longer use these plugins (CMI, TitleAPI, ActionbarAPI)​
----------, Jan 13, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,684
First Release: Jan 13, 2019
Last Update: Apr 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
109 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings