Bugs Fixed: - fixed a bug with /lps prestige not working with prestige leveling
- fixed a bug with in levels.yml prestige would say presitge
- fixed minor bug with the leveling being next to the work when you leveled up
Features Added: - Added custom types of rewards for ease
Code (YAML):
#Rewards method is basically the messaging method, please specify the method of which the player will receive a message of them getting a level reward #Methods: # 'TITLE' # 'MESSAGE' # 'NONE' # More to come RewardsMethod: '
#Custom Rewards make sure permissionsex is false or it will not work
#Rewards type is if you want a special setting for the rewards #Types: # 'ONE' this reward type is whether you want to just have 1 reward instead of setting a bunch # 'CHANCE' this you will set as many different rewards and it will only pick one # 'REGULAR' this is just the basic command type reward # More to come Type: 'REGULAR'
#example ONE # Type: 'ONE' # CMD: # - <command you want>
#example REGULAR # Type: 'REGULAR' # for this you would just do the - below each level Rewards: #Example # - give %player% diamond 1 # Make sure when adding ranks to set it out exactly like this: Level-* (* = what level you want) Level-1: - say
%player% diamond 1