1.0.3-beta hotfix-1:
Next update will have per rank rewards.
Lapis was not working and kept giving out next level for no reason it has now been fixed in this hotfix
- I fixed the actionbar from gliching, it no longer plays 2 at once
- added progress bar to the actionbar
- added mob kills to the plugin allowing for you to get exp from killing mobs, editable
***Make Sure To Delete Your Config To Get The New One***
Code (Text):
#Killing for EXP
#default is false
Exp-Kill-players: false
#EXP for killing mobs
#default is false
Exp-Kill-Mob: false
#if Exp-kill-Players set to true how much exp per kill
Kill-Player-Amount: 10
#if Exp-Kill-Mob set to true how much exp per kill
Zombie: 0
Skeleton: 0
Spider: 0
Creeper: 0
Enderman: 0
Need Help with bugs or got a suggestion?
custom email coming soon...