- Minecraft 1.21.4 support
- don't allow structures condition to be used on minecraft versions older than 1.20.4
- update various code to not utilize methods deprecated since 1.21.3
- fix issues with 3rd party plugins ignoring rules in certain situations
- the setting mob-process-delay will properly delay all mob processing instead of some
- remove legacy code around 3rd party plugin usage
- using invalid keys in rules.yml will now show an error and which rule it is in
- rules transforming-mobs-inherit-level and riding-passengers-match-vehicle-level have been removed from rules.yml since they don't do anything
- various event listener have configurable priority in settings.yml
- prevent duplicate custom drops and commands when a custom mob group is used
- pass player context if applicable to external PAPI calls when used in multiplier formulas
- new option in settings.yml ignore-mobs-with-no-player-context
- new debug type: PLAYER_CONTEXT
- very small potential performance improvements
- when debug is enabled, mob that haven't constructed a level yet show as no lvl instead of lvl 0
- the debug timer will no longer adds extra time
- updated to Kotlin 2.1
- gradle version to 8.11.1
- other build config changes
- item-nbt-api-plugin version to 2.14.0
- have PVM output-cap apply to min-range assignment in addition to max-range
- new rule (settings): invalid-placeholder-replacement. when used if a PAPI placeholder returns an empty string then this value is substituted
- fix issue on Folia servers when player count is over 10
Thanks from the ArcanePlugins team:
PenalBuffalo | LevelledMobs4 Developer
lokka30 | Original Author of LevelledMobs
OathKeeper | Support and R&D