- fix potential error when using 3rd party custom drops air cannot be serialized
- fix %location% populating with XXZ instead of XYZ
- have worldguard regions condition use a cache instead of calling WG API each time
- fix rare issue of not all rules getting applied to a mob in certain situations
- add support for custom drops extras using formulas
- update bstats to 3.1.0
- update PlaceHolderAPI to 2.11.6
- update item-nbt-api-plugin to 2.13.1
- fix player variable mod scale not working with values less than 1
- fix %rand% in construct-level actually generating a max number one less than specified
- fix player variable mod tiers not getting parsed correctly
- add internal placeholders %min-level% and %max-level%
- fix nbt-data not working on items
- update nbt-data methods to use the latest API functions which should be more performant
Thanks from the ArcanePlugins team:
PenalBuffalo | LevelledMobs4 Developer
lokka30 | Original Author of LevelledMobs
OathKeeper | Support and R&D