This update includes multiple changes to the default rules.yml file if upgrading from 3.x. It is recommended that you update your rules file to incorporate the recent changes. You can view the latest default rules.yml file on
Changes from 4.0.4:
- fix error on 1.19.4 servers
- fix Minecraft 1.21 error (4.0.4 regression)
- fix recipes that have been disable from getting enabled (CommandAPI issue)
- fix debug messages for MOB_GROUPS only showing up if CUSTOM_DROPS debug was also enabled
- fix external plugin detection not working for custom defined plugins
- fix dup issue if a mob picks up items and is killed
- add 2 definitions to externalplugins.yml
- add new option to externalplugins.yml: key-valuetype with default value of string
- added new debug option: /lm debug show-pdc-keys to get a detailed list of all PDC present on a mob
- update links in all config file headers
- added another custom rule to the default rules.yml
- small code tweaks
Some of the new features incorporated into LevelledMobs 4:
Modifiers section
| This new section of the rules will allow us to add other new planned features down the development road. We have moved the Player Level Modifier and the Random Variance Strategies into this section.
Strategy and Modifier Placeholders
| As part of a new feature, each Strategy and Modifier produces it's own placeholder tag which can be later combined together to produce any level of your choosing.
Combine multiple Strategies and Modifiers
| Now you can enable multiple levelling strategies at the same time and use the new construct-level setting to build a level using math and the numbers output from those strategies. By default we now use two strategies; but you can use as many as you want!
Superior 3rd Party Plugin Support
| Our already high degree of plugin support has been increased further with an entire file dedicated to defining any 3rd party plugin. You can search for any plugin via any information found in mobs through their PDC data table or through Metadata on that mob.
Using formula/math to construct attribute modifications or levels!
Help us test this plugin and let us know of any bugs, issues, or suggested changes during this open beta test. We expect this testing period to last a few weeks at least before final release.
Thanks from the ArcanePlugins team:
PenalBuffalo | LevelledMobs4 Developer
lokka30 | Original Author of LevelledMobs
OathKeeper | The Druid, Solitude | Support and R&D