Important Note: 'settings.yml' was updated to version 18. I have only touched the 'variance' part of the settings file. Please see the section below on 'New part of the settings file'.
Testing Status: I haven't tested this version, though I have confidence that it will work perfectly fine. Please join my discord if you need help or found an issue (or you can PM me, but I am far more active on Discord) Improvement: Redone the 'variance' part of the 'distance from spawn levelling' system. The code is far simpler, more configurable, and it won't break the plugin anymore. New part of the settings file: I've only modified this part of the settings file. Here is the latest version:
# Should monsters level depending on distance to spawn?
active: false
# Should the level be able to randomly increase or decrease (within min/max limits) for variation?
# Should the levels vary randomly (within min/max limits)?
# Variation will add/subtract a random amount between min/max numbers set below to the mob's final level.
enabled: true
# The minimum amount of variance.
# Expected: [Integer], Default: [0]
min: 0
# The maximum amount of variance.
# Expected: [Integer], Default: [2]
max: 2
# The level will be increased by 1 per the number defined below.
# By default, every 200 blocks, the mob's level will increase by 1.
# Expected: [Integer], Default: [200]
increase-level-distance: 200