Lasers Enigma - Light Puzzles editor icon

Lasers Enigma - Light Puzzles editor -----

✨ Create solve and share puzzles based on light ✨

Version 6.8.0: And let there be light
Light API
People have done a great job of allowing developers to manipulate the Minecraft brightness level in their plug-ins. Following a suggestion from DoreK, I used this tool, called LightAPI, to make lasers light up the darkest rooms.
So from this version on, if you put LightAPI.jar in your /plugins/ folder, you will see that lasers are finally emitting light.


Configuration by component

It is possible to set the brightness level of each light component. That is, the laser transmitters and receivers. To do this, you will find, in the configuration menu of these two types of components, a small button that opens a dedicated menu.

Global configuration

Since you may already be using LightAPI for other plugins, but do not want LasersEnigma to use it (for performance reasons), you can disable this feature through a line in config.yml:

laser_light: <true|false>

At the same place, you can also set the default brightness level that will be registered in each new component (until it is changed through the menu explained previously):

laser_default_light_level: <1-15>

Brightness level: 12 or 15 ?

New translations

As usual, restart the server twice so that the translations are taken into account.

For Developers

The API is therefore enhanced with a new event allowing to deny an administrator the possibility to modify the brightness level of a component:

And as always, it is possible to directly change the brightness level of a component by using the following instruction:

Or for all components in an area:

.filter(c -> c instanceof ILightComponent)
.forEach(c -> ((ILightComponent)c).setLightLevel(12));
From now on, the only monsters that will appear in your puzzle rooms are those that you have consciously chosen to place there.



As usual, you will find this new version here.

And to benefit from this new feature, don’t forget to add LightAPI as well.

Finally, if you would like to donate a few euros to finance the project the patreon page is here.

----------, Oct 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,257
First Release: Dec 21, 2019
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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