- Fixed RedstoneLimiter, option break to redstone and pistons
- Fixed player skull texture in /lagfixer menu
- Fix for the latest update to versions 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
- Update nms for 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
- Added projectile limiter to EntityLimiter
- Added spawn reason checking to EntityLimiter
- Added item type blacklist to WorldCleaner
- Added option to disable bukkit item despawn to WorldCleaner
- Added required time of the item to remove to WorldCleaner
- Added support for RoseStacker and UltimateStacker
- Fixed items being added to the abyss
- Fixed formatting abyss title (text serializer)
- Fixed synchronization in CustomAi module
- Rework for SupportManager, added projectile support
- Working on projectile limiter...
- Added support for RoseStacker and UltimateStacker
- Fixed items being added to the abyss
- Fixed formatting abyss title (text serializer)
- Rework for SupportManager, added projectile support
- Working on projectile limiter...
Plugin changes:
- Subcommand changes:
- - /lf reload (added more informations)
- - /lf map (server load map monitor with mspt chart)
- Added support for 1.21.1, small changes
- And a few other old changes that I forgot about
- Moved methods from NMSUtils to ReflectionUtils
- Fixed misspelled in language file
- Working on full plugin reload...
Thanks for 34600 downloads of plugin! <3
- Added support for 1.21
- Optimized paper support for 1.20.5+
- Fixed worldcleaner for unpickable items
- Added ignored entities list for CustomAi
- Renamed AntiClock to RedstoneLimiter
- Added a lot of new options for RedstoneLimiter
- Disabled spark reporting for smaller servers under 20 players
- Added option to enable module for all worlds
- Fixed typo in config for LagMonitor & WorldCleaner
- Fixed LagMonitor, error with async getEntities()
- Fixed plugin loading error
- Fixed metrics bStats serverUuid path
- Added more informations for error reporting
- Added new Module ~ InstantLeafDecay
- Fixed error at ConsoleFilter Module with "ZipUtils"
- Fixed lags caused by desynchronized Collection at EntityLimiter
- Added own api for error reporting, powodzenia
- Added own api for error reporting, powodzenia
- Fixed webhooks and error reporting module because some id10t removed the webhook (working on own api)
- Added entities async container for items and creatures (BETA)
- Added feature to kill baby entities for WorldCleaner
- Added Items and Creatures counter for /lagfixer menu
- We have removed support for servers running on Folia-based forks.
Support for Folia was highly problematic and significantly limited the capabilities of the LagFixer plugin, especially in terms of increasing the asynchronicity of its methods. Since the engine itself is designed to be asynchronous, LagFixer cannot operate without impacting gameplay by executing on other threads.
- Added entities async container for items and creatures (BETA)
- Fixed support for Folia and other folia based forks
- Added feature to kill baby entities for WorldCleaner
- Added Items and Creatures counter for /lagfixer menu
- More asynchronous methods have been introduced
- Fixed errors with apache libraries for older server versions, error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils
Updated CustomAI:
- added optimized animal panic pathfinder (1.17+ only)
- added option to disable custom pathfinder
- added option to disable force loading entities pathfinder
- added entity click event message to get informations (disabled by dev)
Updated ErrorsManager:
- replaced webhook library to own api
Fixed library error for forge servers!
- Fixed folia support
- Disabled updating of unviewed menus by players
- Fixed CustomAi error "
Asynchronous call getEntities"
More flexible support for minecraft servers (every reversion nms support)
Fixed support for paper 1.20.5-1.20.6
Optimized EntityLimiter and added few limits
Fixed nms for spigot
Changes requested by the community have been implemented
Added support for 1.16.5! (BETA)
I'm still working on some features because I need to learn to use the old nms mappings. Support for even older versions will also appear!
Huge update for
- optimized everything
- made async update for menu
- added "previous menu" button
- removed event "onClose" which moves to the previous menu
- recode for whole manager
- optimized
- renamed placeholder in AntiRedstone from <chunk> to <location>
- enabled block_break feature
Added support for version 1.20.6
Added new placeholder for AntiRedstoneModule:
- "
<chunk>" = center location of chunk
Fixed nms for 1.20.5 servers
Fixed placeholders after reloading via /papi reload
Fixed long item lore in /lagfixer menu (some anticrashes can kick)
Fixed entitytypes for WorldCleaner
Optimized server monitor and nms
Huge recode for java 8 (working on support for older versions)
Added support for minecraft 1.20.5
This version is a test version, if there are any errors, please report them to us
Added option to disable messages from EntityLimiter
We are working on support for older versions and for version 1.20.5
Optimized server monitor
Added blacklist to abyss
Added support for LevelledMobs
WorldCleaner changes:
- fixed counting down to clean world
- optimized task and entities counting
- all counting down messages now can be configured
- less ram usage for task
CustomAI changes:
- fixed creepers explosion
ErrorReporting changes:
- fixed webhooks
- and a few changes I forgot about lol
Fixed webhooks (error reporter)
Updated error and spark reporter
Added few translations to lang.yml
Fixed WorldCleaner module for plugins like "itemstacker"
Huge update for ItemsCleaner, changes:
- added feature to remove creatures
- renamed to WorldCleaner
- added abyss open message
- fixed interval
Update for EntityLimiter, changes:
- added limit per world
- easier configuration
Fixed mos errors, If you find an error, report it to us.
Fixed CustomAi and added a lot of new fuction
Added support 1.17.1-1.20.2 for CustomVehicle
New module: CustomVehicles
Optimized modules using NMS
Fixed NMS config reloading by command
Updated config editor gui with pretty module description
Fixed support for purpur 1.17.1
Relocaded libraries into code (bigger file size)
Fixed file size
Updated error message
Fixed components api using BukkitAudiences for all forks.
Added RGB and Gradient support using MiniMessage API.
Fixed ItemsCleaner Module interval
Added new feature to CustomAi Module:
- option to disable tameable entities (pets like wolf)
Fixed webhook error reports and ItemsCleaner Module
Fixed config loading for ItemsCleaner module
Fixed error with LagMonitor -> disable.mobai
Fixed error with SparkHook
Code remake and a lot of optimizations.
If there are any errors, please report them on our discord.
Fixed few config issues
Error reporting hotfix
Improved few optimizations
Optimized LagMonitor module and compatibility increased using nms.
Fixed for all spigot based forks
A few optimizations have been introduced
Fixed Spark hook,
Added few features and optimizations for NotificationModule.
Fixed updater and optimized few things
CreatureStackerModule (will be available in a few updates)
Disabled error reporting when the plugin needs update.
Spark hook fixed, update if u have this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/lucko/spark/api/statistic/StatisticWindow$MillisPerTick
Fixed update notifycations and optimized ForkManager
Optimized CustomAi and fixed few errors.
All this thanks to servers with the error reporting option enabled.
If you want us to help with future updates, you can turn it on at:
- modules.Notification.values.report_errors
Small hotfix for notification module
Added spark hook
Added a function that returns you to the previous menu after closing the menu
Few changes in ForkManager
Fixed invicible messages for Spigot fork.
[+] Added Folia support!
If you find a bug, report it to us on discord.
Hotfix: changed package name to correct
Added new version: 1.20.3 and fixed 1.20.2 (not tested)
Working on folia support!
[+] Fixed support for 1.20.2!
I'm sorry for all the problems, I've been very busy lately and haven't had time to update this plugin.
[+] Added 1.20.2 support
I made a few more changes but I forgot because it was over a month ago
[+] The option to change the prefix has been restored
[+] Added config version
[+] Fixed error with PlaceholderAPI
[+] Fixed error with LogFilter (console spamming)
[+] Added option to configuration to disable prefix hover
[+] Fixed modules for 1.17
[+] Added new features for CustomAi
[+] Fixed issue with PlaceholderAPI
[+] Added pretty message prefix
[-] Removed configurable prefix
[+] Optimized code and introduced more async methods
[+] Client side entity movement (not tested)
[+] Added module
Items Cleaner - removes items on ground
[+] Fixed error report
[+] Huge optimize pathfinder for animals (CustomAi)
[+] Added customizable pathfinder for animals (CustomAi)
[+] Fixed error for 1.17 servers
[+] Changed module name Updater -> Notification
[+] Added Error report feature to Notification module
[+] Fixed few features for 1.17 & 1.18
If you have any issue - report to me in dm.
[+] Fixed error while loading for
1.17, 1.18
[+] Added custom inventory
size for module configuration
[+] Added new option to
/lagfixer menu -> System information
[+] Fixed error in
[+] Added new feature to
/lagfixer menu - customizing configuration with gui
[+] Added
PlaceHolderApi support
[+] Fixed change
view/simulation spam
[+] Added module disabling option in
/lagfixer menu
[+] Pretty view of
/lagfixer menu
[+] Added
Log Filter module
[+] Added
Creature Stacker module (beta)
[+] Added no-chest-minecarts for
Entity Limiter module
[+] Fixed CustomAi bow
[+] Fixed few errors
Added new module EntityLimiter
[+] Fixed few features for Spigot fork
[+] Added some comments to configuration
[+] Fixed viewdistance and changed task interval in
[+] Fixed mobai changing
[+] Fixed CustomAi
[+] Added update & fork checker module
[+] Fixed command /lagfixer
[+] Optimize hotfix
[+] Subcommand: /lagfixer
[+] Customizable command aliases
[+] Fixed menu issue in /lagfixer menu and some optimization fixes