Hello everyone, sorry for the long time without updates but now it is time to a new update for you guys.
1.8 to 1.20.5 support has been dropped. so i will only update the plugin to 1.20.6+ version from now on. update your server to get the most of KP-PVP
CHANGELOG * Now you can disable almost all kits in kits.yml file
* Now gladiator has a configurable cooldown when it finishes the match ( you can disable the cooldown for this kit or change it )
* Now you can customize the background item of kit menu and shop menu
* Now you can translate almost everything of stats gui
* Now you can disable the shop item
* Now you can disable all kitpvp initial items
* Added command whitelist on kitpvp. That means only command that you allow to be executed may be executed while the player are in the kitpvp arena
* Changed default config
* Removed top kills not seted debug message who spams your console.
* Now the status menu will not open if it has any errors ( like items names missing in config files )
DELETE config.yml messages.yml and kits.yml in order to update to this version