It strong recommended that you update your plugin because many bugs is fixed! You need to reset your entirely KP-PVP folder in order to update!
Fixed a bug that when using UltraPermissions plugin the shop dont give player kit
Fixed a bug that when a player reach a killstreak the broadcast message is not send and a error in console occours
Added many new messages in messages.yml
Now the inventory kits name is now editable in messages.yml
Fixed a bug that sponges dont protect the player from fall damage
Fixed a bugged message
Added a new kit! (Sonic) - When player click the lapis lazuli block they give a boost and poison the players nearly! Similiar to Sonic Rolling ball in the games
The kit sonic has been added to the shop and costs 11000 coins
Fixed kit warper not being able to be sold in the kit shop due to programming errors
Thanks for helping the develoment of the plugin and if you like it please leave a 5 stars review
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