Fixed town protections of entities like paintings, item frames, and armor stands so that non-resident players cannot break them.
Language files now correctly get saved with a .bad extension when they have invalid YAML syntax. Any config file with invalid syntax will be saved with a .bad extension, and the default version of the file will be used.
Improved player kingdom membership checks when SQL database connection is corrupt or unavailable. Players will no longer be marked as a Barbarian while being members of kingdoms/towns.
Minor Features
Added ARENA property for Ruins and Sanctuaries. Also added konquest-arena flag for WorldGuard regions. This allows any player to pvp in the territory/region, regardless of kingdom relationship.
Added sub-command "/k admin ruin reset (name)", which will reset the ruin by re-generating all critical blocks, and re-spawning all Ruin Golems.
Added core.yml option loot_after_capture, which will only spawn loot in chests after the ruin has been captured.
Added sub-commands for joining and leaving kingdoms and towns, which do the same thing as the existing GUI menu methods.
Command "/k kingdom join (name)" lets the player request to join a kingdom.
Command "/k kingdom exile" lets the player leave their kingdom to become a barbarian.
Command "/k town (name) join" lets the player request to join a town.
Command "/k town (name) leave" lets the player leave the specified town to stop being a resident.