Added core.yml option core.ruins.no_golem_drops to prevent ruin golem death drops.
Changed town health upgrades to add hearts as modifiers instead of modifying base value.
Added core.yml option core.reset_legacy_health to reset player hearts to 20 (normal) when current value is greater than 20 on server join. This is to revert the old health upgrade mechanic. Set this to false to allow other plugins to raise heart base value.
Improved monument template mechanics to better handle bypass edits.
Prevented favor withdraw/deposit messages when amount is 0.
Added forced border particle update when towns are captured for nearby players.
Bug fixes
Fixed unhandled exception when invalid custom prefixes exist in prefix.yml.
Fixed unhandled exception when QuickShop version does not match X.X.X.X format.
Fixed exile command confirmation timer not resetting for repeated joining & exiling.