KeyAllX - [1.17x - 1.20x] [Supports custom commands & PAPI] icon

KeyAllX - [1.17x - 1.20x] [Supports custom commands & PAPI] -----

A simple keyall plugin 100% customizeable, Donut SMP replica

[​IMG] KeyAllX
Automate key distribution with ease using the KeyAllX plugin!


  • Scheduled execution of a command to give keys to all players.
  • PlaceholderAPI integration for displaying a countdown timer.


While not required, we highly recommend the following plugin for enhanced functionality:
  • PlaceholderAPI: Enables dynamic information display such as the countdown timer.


  1. Download the latest release from the Release page.
  2. Place the KeyAllX.jar file into the plugins folder of your Bukkit/Spigot server.
  3. Restart your server to enable the plugin.


Customize plugin settings in the config.yml file:

Code (Text):

# Developed by Infnox | Version v2.0.0

# Debug mode (Enable for testing or troubleshooting)
debug: false

# Enable bStats (Tracks plugin usage statistics)
bStats: true

# Time interval for KeyAll events (in seconds)
timeInterval: 60

# Random timer (Overrides timeInterval if enabled)
  enabled: false
  min-time: 60  # Minimum time in seconds
  max-time: 120 # Maximum time in seconds

# Commands executed during the KeyAll event
# %player% is the Placeholder for player
  - "command to execute"

# Title message settings
enable-title-message: true
title-message: "&aCongratulations!"
subtitle-message: "&eYou received a reward!"
title-fade-in: 2   # Fade-in duration (in ticks)
title-stay: 4      # Duration to display title (in ticks)
title-fade-out: 2  # Fade-out duration (in ticks)

# Hotbar message
enable-hotbar-message: true
hotbar-message: "&aYou received a reward!"

# Chat messages sent to players
  - "&aYou earned a KeyAll reward!"
  - "&6Thanks for participating!"

# Sound effect during the KeyAll event
enable-sound-effects: true
sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP # Must be a valid Minecraft sound
volume: 0.5
pitch: 2.0

Utilize PlaceholderAPI to display the countdown timer:

  • %keyallx_timer%: Displays the remaining time until the next key distribution.
  • %keyallx_days%: Remaining days until the next key.
  • %keyallx_hours%: Remaining hours until the next key.
  • %keyallx_mins%: Remaining minutes until the next key.
  • %keyallx_secs%: Remaining seconds until the next key.


  • /keyallx reload: Reloads the plugin configuration.
  • /reset-timer: Manually starts or stops the timer for key distribution, giving administrators full control over the plugin's behavior.


Once installed, the plugin will automatically distribute keys at specified intervals. Players can use PlaceholderAPI to view the countdown timer.


  • OP: Allows players to use the /keyall reload command.


Encountering issues or have suggestions? Create an issue on the GitHub page!


This plugin is licensed under the GNU License.

Join my server to report bugs or to ask for suggestions.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,924
First Release: Nov 25, 2023
Last Update: Dec 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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