This is a Beta Build for Spigot 1.17+ (and previous versions). Please test it on a clean server before using it. Maybe the compatilities with Worldguard and PlaceholdersAPI are broken. Feel free to report any problem on github.
Added compatibility with Spigot 1.17 and superior versions (Java 16+)
you can still using this plugin in Minecraft 1.16.X and previous versions (Java 8)
The "/karma calculate" command:
This will help you to test some expressions outside combat.
If PAPI compatibility isn't broken, you can use some placeholders as long the sender is a player.
The command is "/karma calculate [expression]". Examples
In case of errors of karma calculations, the result will always be 0 and an error message sent in the console with the expression used instead of sending errors and breaking the code. Useful in the case of division per 0.