Added config option to disable tamed animal payouts (Jsinco)
Added 3 new placeholders: %jobsr_jtop_name_total_[[1-15]]% -> Top list by total job levels, provided place in the list. Returns playername. %jobsr_jtop_displayname_total_[[1-15]]% -> Top list by total job levels, provided place in the list. Returns player displayname. %jobsr_jtop_level_total_[[1-15]]% -> Top list by total job levels, provided place in the list. Returns player total level. (Nikkcom)
Added exp gain by returning a fireball from a ghast (mikyvars)
Updated feedback message handling. Now action bar message will show accumulation of exp/money/points and resets after 5 (default value, can be modified in config file) seconds. So now instead of showing how much player earns in one go every x seconds it will update it at the moment player performed action. Similar thing applies to bossbar messages which will not update in real time instead of at specific intervals
Fix for error message relating to potion data value
Fix for an issue where GUI item failed to be recognized properly
Fix for potential memory leak when there are too many mobs spawning on your server whose meta data remains loaded even when mob gets killed
Fix for an issue where jobs shop items are not being properly marked and not being recognized when it comes to enchant prevention