Add config option for preventing enchantments on shop items (Gamer153)
Added option to translate potion effects, this includes effects on tipped arrows. Check translatableWords file for new entries.
Fixing issue relating to bossbar handling and rare error message being shown in console
Fix for quest progression detailed window not showing up to date information after plugin gets reloaded
Fix for issue relating to API when JobsJoinEvent was firing after player joined job, so canceling it had little effect
Fix for jobs.maxquest permission node not picking highest value but prioritizing jobs.maxquest.all permission node. Now we will pick highest value.
Fix for issue when creating MySQL database tables
Added option to require (enabled by default) for boosted items to be in more correct slots. This means that you cant have diamond sword in your head slot and get boosted item bonus, or have boots in your main hand and get one. Arm slots are limited to none armor items except shield, armor slots are limited to armor items which should match actual slot, so boots goes to boot slot, leggings to leg slot and so on. There is small exception for head slot which can have none armor items, but you cant have weapon and tool type items in it. This will prevent from players holding armor items in their hands to gain extra boost bonus instead of actually wearing them.