Improved payment action which was not paying enough when items are on another block (montlikadani)
Fix for sign merging issue (montlikadani)
Fix for NPE error on death event (montlikadani)
Fixed issue when not calculated correctly the total workers (again) (montlikadani)
Fix for bossbar progression (montlikadani)
Now you can fill the gui with air (montlikadani)
Improve connecting to database (montlikadani)
Fixed slow data loading issue (montlikadani)
Fix for quests failing when it comes to handle same materials but for different actions, like placing and breaking stones. (Zrips)
Fixed broken signs not updating properly (Zrips)
Fix for taming animals no longer paying (Zrips)
gtop command fix which was not showing next pages properly but only first one (Zrips)
Fix for material translations failing, especially when it comes to armorstands or itemframes (Zrips)
BossBar message will have more information now, which will include exp gain from last time it was shown. So its more clear how much exp you gained in last actions. This includes new locale lines which will be used specifically for bossbar messages, as those should be shorter (Zrips)