Jobs Reborn icon

Jobs Reborn -----

A fully configurable plugin that allows you to get paid for breaking, placing, killing, fishing...

4.10.0 Boosted items
This is experimental version as some major changes have been done for boosted items handling and quite few fixes have been added to this build.
  • Demote command now should correctly check by command sender and not by receiver if he has appropriate permission to perform this command (Zrips)
  • Fix for issue with scoreboards not showing up in 1.13+ servers due to change in packet handling. (Zrips)
  • A feature that will decrease earnings at cap by a factored amount using the equation. Example
    (100/((1/factor*percentOver*percentOver)+1)) ie a pop growth curve (Narimm)
  • Fix when a player level up or skill up and broadcast (montlikadani)
  • Some command permission fixes (montlikadani)
  • Now checking correctly for plants when break (montlikadani)
  • Added player argument to /job limit command (montlikadani)
  • Fix sheep color not work properly (montlikadani)
  • Fixed a bunch of small typos I found in comments throughout this file (meowsome)
  • Make configurable MySQL auto reconnect state (montlikadani)
  • Estonian update (meowsome)
  • Now support PlaceholderAPI the latest version (montlikadani)
  • Now support MythicMobs the latest version (montlikadani)
  • Fixed when someone bought from the jobs shop and has not points then got the item (montlikadani)
  • level & exp command fix when the target player has not in the job and not got any message (montlikadani)
  • English default locale fixes (Mandis0)
  • Now you can give the limited items with /jobs give [playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname] command to get limited items from jobConfig. (montlikadani)
  • Fix NPE when item bonus not found (montlikadani)
  • Fix legacy wall_banner id, add legacy_brewing_stand (ken-kentan)
  • Fix money dupping when someone repaired the item from anvil (montlikadani)
  • Fix NPE when promote argument has executed and player not found (montlikadani)
  • McMMO 2.1.2 support with backwards compatibility (Zrips)
  • Better way in updating missing and newly added quests with /jobs reload (Zrips)
  • Slight layout change in mysql settings in generalConfig file (montlikadani)
  • Some updates related to mysql database table and collumn checks, to have less false positives. (Zrips)
  • Some code update to use new ConfigReader which incase of error in formatting will automatically create backup file in appropriate folder. (Zrips)
  • New job action: StripLogs which will give out payment when you strip logs with axe. Block type should be STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG and similar ones. This is only for 1.13+ servers (Zrips)
  • Fix for issue when translatable files have been converted to default English ones. (Zrips)
  • Fix for heads not updating properly over top list signs (Zrips)
  • New placeholders to get user points: %jobs_user_points% %jobs_user_total_points% (montlikadani)
  • Now /jobs itembonus will output all boosts independent if you are in that job or not. Job boost which cant be applied to you (you are not in that job) will be shown in gray (Zrips)

Now serious part. As of old behavior, which was fine at that time. Boosted items have been attached to specific jobs in jobsConfig.yml file. This was fine but quite limited to what it can do. When running this version all those items will be transferred over boostedItems.yml file. Why, you ask? Because this allows us to have better flexibility on what boosted items can do. So now they are not limited to one job but can have boost for a multiple or even all of them. So item is no longer attached to a specific job. And on top of that, defining boosted item material, name, lore and enchants are completely optional as this is only for /jobs give command and you can always make any item you want a boosted one with /jobs edititembonus. Tho you still need to define boost in boostedItems file before hand.
On top of that, now you have option to limit items boost by players jobs levels. Keep in mind that level is been determined by job itself which should get boost.
Transition should be automatic and in general old items should keep working without any interference and their special data will be updated to new format on theirs usage. You will get couple red messages on each server startup if you still have items category in jobsConfig file as they are deprecated and they should be removed, as otherwise plugin will continue converting those sections and transferring into boostedItems.yml file.

Test it, play it, give some feedback if something went side ways.

Happy mining!
----------, Feb 4, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 636,115
First Release: Feb 20, 2015
Last Update: Jan 24, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
577 ratings
Version -----
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