Some small change on player quit event for small performance boost
Small change on player login event to get its permissions in slightly faster way and have better performance.
Fix for bonus issue when its not present for some of them
Attention! Restricted area bonus format was changed. Previously 0.0 meant that you wont gain any income and 1.0 that you will get normal income. Now its same as permissions and it can vary from -1.0 to as much as you want. So 0.5 will give 50% extra income, while -0.5 will give 50% less.
Added new command to manage your restricted ares ingame, so you no longer need to go throw file editing. you will need to have couple permission nodes:, jobs.area.add, jobs.area.remove. /jobs area add/remove/list/info. before that you will need to select area with gold hoe (default)
add [name] [bonus] - will add new restricted area with defined bonus
remove [name] - removes present restricted area
list - shows all restricted areas (need to implement pagination tho)
info - shows all restricted areas in your location
Extra bonus. If you have my another plugin SelectionVisualizer ( version), you will have option to see visually where areas are and what boundaries they have. And you will see your selection area in different color too. Just saying