[+] Fixed further skins issues
[+] Fixed paintings/armourstands being modifiable in cells
[+] Modified how getting Skins works
[+] NBT Issues
[+] Preliminary support for 1.21
[+] Added the command
/prisoncells rentlength <hours> <cellname> which can be used to set the initial cell rental time
[+] Bug fixes for Add Members
[+] Big performance optimisation, especially for lots of cells
[+] Various bug fixes/optimisations
[+] Fixed an issue with 1.20 being able to modify Prison Cell Signs
[+] Added support for 1.20
[+] Modified the API endpoint to retrieve a player name from a UUID
[+] Added the ability to set Custom Model Data in the
gui.yml config
Code (Text):
title: "&ePurchase Cell"
slots: 27
slot: -1 # -1 = filler
name: " "
lore: []
action: NONE
modeldata: 0 #SetCustomModelData for your item. Example of setting to 0 (null)
[+] Added the command /cell visit <cell> - Permission
Messages to configure
Code (Text):
cell_no_home_location: "%PREFIX%&cCell &a%CELL% &chas no home location set"
cell_teleport: "%PREFIX%&7You have been teleported to &a%CELL%"
[+] Bug fix for cell rental money
[+] Added support + Blocks for 1.19
[+] Added new placeholder %jetsprisoncells_cellowner_[CELLNAME]% - Returns the cell owner for that cell
[+] Fixed a bug with schematics not working
[+] Modified code for interacting with Itemframes within a cell
[+] Fixed an issue with refunding the player the wrong amount
[+] Updated FAWE support
[+] Fixed an issue with 1.18.2
[+] Added support for 1.8-1.18
[+] Added a new placeholder %jetsprisoncells_iscellowned_<CELLNAME>%
[+] Support for 1.17 added
[+] fixed an issue with players being unable to close open doors
[+] Schematic saving will now be delayed for 3 seconds, to ensure world edit clipboard is saved, this will fix a few issues people are having with FAWE
[+] Fixed an issue that allows items out of inventories to be taken out under a specific circumstance
[+] Added admin command:
/prisoncells setowner <player> <days> <cell/auto>
Can be used to automatically give a user a cell
[+] Fixed a bug to do with if the door delay on a cell was <= 0
[+] If a player does not have interact permission for a cell, they will be unable to place buckets of lava/water down
[+] Added basic metrics, see main page for more info
[+] Added the ability to specify null when setting a cell permission, in order to remove it - as currently there is no other way
[+] Players can no longer remove Items in Item frames in other peoples cells
[+] Fixed an issue with shift clicking a cell sign, with someone in your left hand, causing you the ability to take items out the GUI
[+] You can no longer shift click it cell inventories, fixes an item bug
[+] /cell evictuser <user> <cell> can now be used to evict a player from a particular cell, permission is jetsprisoncells.admin.evictuser
[+] Permission nodes for limiting the number of cells a player can have can now be given with the :<amount> bit on as people were getting confused on the permission to give players
[+] Added the ability to set a permission for a cell, so a user is required to have the permission to rent it -
/Cell setpermission <permission> <cellname> - Sets the permission required to rent the cell - jetsprisoncells.admin.setpermission
If you wish to configure messages shown to the user if he/she does not have permission to rent the cell, add this to
Code (Text):
cell_no_permissions_to_rent: "%PREFIX%&cYou do not have the required permission to rent this cell!"
cell_set_permission: "%PREFIX%&cSuccessfully set permission for cell %CELL% to %PERMISSION!"
[+] Added more information for when a cell fails to load/save to indicate the issue and what the cell causing the issue is @_manu34_
[+] Added /cell rename <oldcellname> <newcellname> -
[+] Fixed a bug causing cells to be transferred to other users / owner of the cell being removed
[+] Removed a debug statement that was saying HERE in console
[+] Fixed a bug where players could transfer cells to other users to bypass max cell limits
[+] Added so the placeholder message for No Cells owned is configurabled in messages.yml
To add modify these messages, add these two lines to
Code (Text):
claim_max_cells_other: "%PREFIX%&cThat user cannot own any more cells!"
placeholder_no_cells_owned: "&cNo Cells Owned"
[+] Cell Doors would break if they were positioned pointing North/South - This is now fixed
[+] Added sanity check to ensure placeholders are set on GUI Items, as in some places placeholders were not being populated
[+] Fixed an issue with last update, causing schematics not to work at all
[+] Fixed issue with schematics not working
[+] Fixed issue with cell unclaiming
[+] Fixed issue with names in GUI being wrong
[+] Added CellExpireEvent @bigwil557
[+] Added support for FAWE for the cell schematics
[+] Added support for 1.16
[+] As requested, you can now set a price for a cell (or it's rent) at more than 2.147 billion
[+] Added command /Cells setrental <rentall> <cell> so you can set the rental price per cell
[+] Fixed an issue with money not being given when a cell was unclaimed
[+] If a user was added to the cell, but did not exist in the worlds data file, the user would be called UNKOWN USER, now it will apply the correct username
[+] Modified how refunds work, refunds will now be given based on the number of hours rather than days (I.E if a player has 23 hours left on their cell, they will now receive money back instead of receiving 0)
[+] Fixed a bug that prevented member UI from loading if the player has not played the server for a while
[+] A player can no longer remove other players from the cell if their cellrank is higher than theres, to configure the message shown, add this to messages.yml
Code (Text):
cannot_remove_player_with_higher_rank: "%PREFIX%&cYou are unable to remove players from the cell with a higher rank than you!"
[+] Added a new command, /cell evict <cell> - Kicks everyone from the cell and sets it as unclaimed, permission is jetsprisoncells.admin.evict
[+] Fixed a bug with setting a price for a cell resetting after a restart
[+] Fixed a bug that caused cells fail to load
[+] Couldn't reproduce the bug, but an error with placeholders I believe has been fixed in the cells members menu
[+] The /cell home command can now specify an additional parameter to teleport to a particular cell, I.E /cell home cell1
[+] Fix bug for schematics on 1.12.2 with an issue relating to copying
[+] Added a softdepend to prevent my plugin loading before multiverse
[+] Bug fix for schematics on 1.12
For any support regarding this update or how to update, please visit our Discord https://discord.gg/brdqwMz
[+] Completely redone how schematics are saved, WorldEdit is now used, this will fix all issues relating to schematic pastes being incorrect.
This means all schematics need to be recreated - Old schematics will no longer work.
[+] Fixed issue with being able to take items out the inventory
[+] Fixed a few issues with a few materials when a schematic is pasted
[+] Fixed an issue with skins not loading
[+] Fixed a bug that prevented a rented cell to have no owner
[+] Fixed a few material issues with schematics
[+] Added placeholders, see main page for more info
[+] Fixed a NPE to do with cell saving
[+] Added following permissions to allow guards to do things in cells:
[+] Removed debug statements to do with last update sorry
[+] Fixed an issue with the members inventory from versions 1.13 +
[+] Added a /cell list command
[+] Changed the /cell removesign so it no longer needs an addtional cell name as a parameter
[+] Added /cells removesign command
[+] Fixed a few issues when adding signs
[+] Fixed issues relating to when cells reset
[+] Fixed issue with door opening with permissions
[+] Fixed a few NPE and other errors that were spamming console
[+] Fixed an issue preventing OP's opening doors
[+] Fixed a NPE when opening inventories
[+] Fixed a few issues on 1.15 / Added support for it
[+] Added permission node 'jetsprisoncells.door.bypass' so guards/admins are able to go through doors
[+] Fixed issue with Vault not being found on startup, even if it was installed
[+] Fixed a bug with the members inventory not being able to load due to NPE's
[+] Fix NPE on server shutdown / plugin disable
[+] Fix NPE when server is turned off / plugin disabled
[+] Bug fix for user data when a cell expires
[+] Fixed a bug where cell permissions did not work, and anybody could claim any amount of cells
[+] Cell would not rollback if it was unclaimed, now it will
[+] Fixed a bug with the Resettype command arguments being incorrect
[+] You can now toggle what the cell does when it resets (whether it should do nothing, clear all blocks inside the cell or rollback to a schematic)
This is done through the command
/cell resettype <default/clear/rollback> <cellname>
[+] Bug fix for 1.8, with the any menu that had player heads in - Thanks
@Farmeasy for helping me test
[+] Fixed an array out of bounds exception when a sign stat was being updated. Added a debug message when this happens as I cannot reproduce the error.
[+] Added ability to limit the cells a user can be owner of
Please add this to your config.yml
Code (Text):
#How many cells can a user have?
- prisoncells.cells.default:1 #Specifiy the permission : number of cells the player is allowed
- prisoncells.cells.vip:2
- prisoncells.cells.god:3
And this to your messages.yml
Code (Text):
claim_max_cells: "%PREFIX%&cYou are not able to rent anymore cells!"
[+] Fixed issue with setprice command not working
[+] Hopefully fixed a few other issues that I cannot reproduce, such as NPE when opening the GUIs and another exception that was being thrown when opening a prison door
- If you ever see a sign with 'unknown user' on it, please let me know
[+] Fixed a NPE that was being shown when trying to update a sign, causing the sign not to update
[+] /cell Setprice and /cell auto commands were not being registered on startup, so did not work, now they do

[+] Can now teleport to the next free cell available with /cell auto - permission is jetsprisoncells.player.auto
To configure messages, add these to your messages.yml:
Code (Text):
cell_auto_none_found: "%PREFIX%&cNo cells have been found available to rent!"
cell_auto_teleport: "%PREFIX%&aYou have been teleported to cell %CELL% !"
cell_auto_teleport_cooldown: "%PREFIX%&aYou will be teleported in %TIMEOUT% seconds"
cell_auto_no_permission: "%PREFIX%&cYou do not have permission to do cell auto!"
[+] Fixed issue with reload command not giving the time it took to reload the plugin in
[+] Fixed issue with the reload command being unable to reload cell ranks
[+] Fixed an issue that was caused if the world a cell was in did not exist
[+] Fix NPE when loading Player Management Inventory, preventing it from loading
[+] Fix issue with getting the CellOwner for a cell throwing a NPE, stopping stuff like signs from working
[+] Fixed spelling issue with commands, and added a command to the help menu
[+] Added /Cell Home
Most of the messages for this command are already in messages.yml, one to add though
Code (Text):
cell_command_home_no_home: "%PREFIX%&cYou do not have a home to teleport to"
[+] Fixed quite a few things with doors and schematics - Plugin has now just been released, so this will be version 1.0.0