JetsMinions | #1 MINIONS PLUGIN  | ACTIONS  | UPGRADES | ANIMATIONS | ROBOTS | [1.8 - 1.21] icon

JetsMinions | #1 MINIONS PLUGIN | ACTIONS | UPGRADES | ANIMATIONS | ROBOTS | [1.8 - 1.21] -----

An Efficient, highly customizable Minions/Robots plugin with TONS of hooks..

Hey - UPDATE 2.0

Please read this update, if updating from version 1.X you WILL need to modify your configuration file else the plugin will NOT LOAD

Okay, firstly this is a pretty large update - If you run this plugin on a larger server, I would suggest waiting a few days for bugs to be ironed out (To cover myself, take backups of your Minion Folder too so you can easily revert back to version 1.X if needed :))

what you need to do (It's not actually that much..) & what's changed:

Add these two messages to your messages.yml

Code (Text):

NotEnoughMoneyToUpgradeMinion: "&cYou do not have the money to upgrade the minion!" #%MONEYNEEDED% can be used as a placeholder
MinionAlreadyMaxLevel: "&cThe minion cannot be upgraded anymore!"
After adding these two lines, the plugin will now load.

To take advantage of the new Minion Upgrading feature, you will need to add the new 'Level Up' buttons to each of your minions control panel.

To do this, simply paste this code into your each of your minions control panel (you will need to paste this three times) - Feel free to modify the display name, or lore.

And lastly, when you load the plugin a new folder called 'minionupgrades' will be generated, within this you will see each minion file. Within these files you can modify the price of the minions upgrade as well as what they do per level - I'll be improving this soon.

If you are stuck or can't be bothered to add these changes, to update, you can also just delete the messages.yml and controlpanel.yml, then restart the server. That will also work.
----------, Sep 10, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,439
First Release: Aug 30, 2018
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
188 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings