ItemEdit [1.8.x-1.21.x] icon

ItemEdit [1.8.x-1.21.x] -----

Fast edit, customize and manage items

Big code and features update!
First of all i would like to thank you for your kind reviews. Them keep me motivated.
I see many concerned abouth the resource might drop support or updates, don't worry i'm not planning to stop support, i just don't update much often, unless any bug is reported of course.

So.. this is a big update which introduces many new features and some changes as well

  • All messages are now configurable and most of them support PlaceHolderAPI
  • Added command "/itemstorage" with alias "/is"
    Allows players to save personal items
    Sub commands:
    save <id> <- register item in player hand with id
    get <id> [amount] <- get amount of item associated to id
    update <id> <- change item associated to id to item in player hand
    delete <id> <- delete item
    show [page] <- open a clickable gui that shows player saved items
  • Added command "/serveritem" with alias "/si"
    Allows to save items and use them with console commands to give them and even sell/buy them for players as long as you have vault and an economy provider.
    This should be very usefull for kits and custom made shop gui.
    Give/sell/buy actions are logged on console and log file unless disabled on config.
    Sub commands:
    save <id> <- register item in player hand with id
    setnick <id> <nick> <- register an alias for item used for feeback messages on give/buy/sell messages
    give <id> [amount] [player] [silent] <- give amount of item associated to id to player
    update <id> <- change item associated to id to item in player hand
    delete <id> <- delete item
    show [page] <- open a clickable gui that shows server saved items
    sell <id> <player> <price> <amount> [silent] <- sell exactly <amount> <item> for <price> to <player> (or sell none if lack of space/money)
    buy <id> <player> <price> <amount> [silent] <- buy exactly <amount> <item> for <price> from <player> (or buy none if lack of items)
    sellmax <id> <player> <price> <amount> [silent] <- sell up to <amount> <item> for <price> to <player> (or sell none if lack of space/money)
    buymax <id> <player> <price> <amount> [silent] <- buy up to <amount> <item> for <price> from <player> (or buy none if lack of items)
  • Added command "/itemeditreload" to reload file configurations
  • !!! Changed permission names to avoid ambiguity with new commands
    Now the format is itemedit.<command>.<subcommand> and itemedit.<command>.* for all subcommands
    utility permissions added: itemedit.admin for your administrators and itemedit.creativeuser for your users on creative mode
    ex: itemedit.rename now is itemedit.itemedit.rename
  • SubCommands can be renamed on config
  • Changed configurations, i highly suggest to regenerate your configs by deleting files except for aliases.yml .
    Each command has now his own configuration file, gui and generic configurations may be found on config.yml
  • Fixed tab completer not autocompleting boolean values of /itemedit hide <flag> [boolean]
  • Added "/itemedit hideall" similar to "/itemedit hide <flag> [true/false]", allows to hide all flags at once
  • Changed /ie potioneffect <effect> <duration> [level], now level by default is 1 when not specified, previusly level needed to be specified
  • Changed /ie enchant <effect> <duration> [level], now level by default is 1 when not specified, previusly level needed to be specified
What's next?
  • Gui opened by /si show and /is show is pretty much simple, i plan to add more features based on how you click items (right/left clicks etc..), actually you get one of the clicked item as long as you have space in your inventory
  • Saved Items are stored on a yaml file i might add the ability to choose which kind of storage system use (sqlite/mysql...)
  • Maybe i'll add a /si list and /is list to show items on chat with support of some plugin like ChatItem (
What would you like to be added on the plugin? leave your suggestions on reviews or on resource discussion thread ;)
----------, Feb 22, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 767,913
First Release: May 18, 2017
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
148 ratings
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