this update adds /ie attribute [...] for 1.13 and 1.14 spigot/paperspigot
remember to add
Code (YAML):
description: "&bEdit item's attribute modifiers\n&3Add <...> &b- adds a new modifiers\n&3remove <...> &b- removes some modifiers" help: "<add/remove> [...]" addhelp: "add <attribute> <amount> [operation] [slot]" adddescription: "&bAdd attribute modifier of <amount> of type <attribute>\n&3[operation] &bis how the modifier is added, by default sums\n&3[slot] &bapply this modifier only when item is on selected slot or any slot if not selected" removehelp: "remove <attribute/slot>" removedescription: "&bRemove all attributes of selected type or on selected equipment slot"
to your config file or just delete it to regenerate
aliases for attributes and attributes operations has been added as well
/ie attribute remove <attribute type/equipment slot> which removes any attribute modifiers on selected attribute type or selected equipment slot
the attribute
ZOMBIE_SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS won't for on players, but it does for items equipped by any zombies
FAQ: are you going to add this command for 1.12 and lower versions?
- That would require nms so the answer is no unless i find some free time and patience to work on it