Fixed a Minor issue which may be causing compatability issues
- Fixed issue with SQL bug
- Fixed issue with Flickering heads
- Implemented support for 1.20.4
- Fixed issue with Trapdoors not working with permissions
- Fixed issue with disabling permissions
Fixed issues with Flight Command permissions
Added ability to whitelist missions to certain worlds
- Added support for 1.20.2
- Fixed issues with being able to craft IslandCrystals
- If you only have one schematic skip the gui
- Fixed issues with end portals
- Stopped End Dragon Spawning
- Added ability to pay for schematics
- Added IslandCreateEvent and IslandDeleteEvent
- Added allowPvPOnIslands config option
- Added ability to clear inventories on Regen
- Implemented Command cooldowns
- Added endPortalPick Settings
- Implemented Biome Shop
- Fixed issues with commands not disabling
- Fixed issues with rewards not executing commands
- Fixed issues with ENTITY_GRIEF setting
- Fixed Issues with SugarCane Cactus and Bamboo not contributing towards grow missions
- Fixed issues with shop, not working with pages
Fixed issues with falling entities not being affected by gravity
Fixed Issues with Leaves decaying
Fixed Issues being able to buy past max upgrade
Fixed issues with Missions
Fixed Issues with PlayerTeleportEvent
Fixed SQL Issues
- Added removeIslandBlocksOnDelete to remove island blocks when you delete your island
- Fixed issue with saving Island Mission Data to database
- Fixed Issues placing blocks outside island
- Fixed issues going to nether before its unlocked
- Improved schematic Paster
- Fixed issues with shop
- Fixed issues with island experience not saving
- Fixed Issues with Permissions
- Fixed Issues with Settings
- Disabled PvP On Islands
Fixed issues with depositing crystals deleting inventory
Complete recode, this version is not compatible with 3.0, please reset all your configuration
- Added multiple /is top categories
- Revamped missions system
- Added ability to swap boosters and upgrades
- Added ability to create potion effect boosters/upgrades
- Added ability to disable nether/end worlds to improve performance
These are the main changes, but the plugin should also be faster and have a few quality of life changes.
Added Spawner Amount Placeholders
Added Pages to certain GUI's
Fixed issues with is bypass
Fixed command execution for subcommands
Fixed bug where players can bypass limits
Changed how users bypass island privacy
fixed top island placeholders
Worldedit Incompatibility check
Improve speed of ocean generator recalculation
HotFix (Blame Das, he made the bug)
Added stuff and fixed stuff, too lazy to list everything here check github if ur interested
- Added 1.18 support
- Fixed RoseStacker support
- Made /is home create an Island
- Fixed Fishing Missions
- Fixed Top Placeholders
- Made Island Levels configurable
- Fix the permission gui pagination
- Fixed Issues with some crops not working with missions
- Fixed Mobs Targeting Visitors
HotFix, Fixed Issues with Farmer Booster always being active
- Fixed Issue with IslandTop Placeholders
- Fixed Bug with Crops Mine Mission
- Fixed Issues with Island Daily Missions
- Fixed Issue with Info Command
- Fixed NPE Issue
- Fixed Issues with Stacker Support
- Optimised Saving Data
- Fixed Issues with 1.14 and 1.15
- Fixed Issues with Fire Spread
- Fixed Issues with Farming Booster
HotFix: Fixed /is command not creating islands
- Fixed issues with Deleting Islands
- Fixed Issues with RoseStacker
- Added BackButtons
- Added ExtraValueCommand
- Fixed Click to join invite message
- Improved API's
- Fix issue Block Value in negative layers
- Changed InfoCommand
- Fix Island Ban Check
- Fix EntityHook triggering Missions
- Increase cooldown times & Fix message spam
- Added Spy Command
- Fixed Issues with Island Names
- Fixed ASync Pasting Issues
- Fixed Mushroom schematics not generating anything
- Made island recalculations async
- Added ability to define your own mission groups
- Add ability to drop items if inventory is full when buying
- Fix schematic issue (NoClassDefFoundError
- Fix mob spawn setting blocking armorstands
- Optimization: Cache WorldEdit schematic
- Made FAWE Execute Async
- Fix ClassCastException
- Fix weather Clicking
- Make Boosters are stackable
- Make help command show descriptions, syntax & subcommands
- Fix mob spawn setting blocking all entities
- Fixed issues with permissions
- Fix join component broken message gradients
WARNING: Since we changed Schematics to WorldEdit your old schematics will no longer work so you will need to change them to worldedit before updating
- Added WorldEdit support for schematics
- Automatically Select schematic if there is only one
- Added Island Settings
- Added Toggle for invite menu
- Added PvP Settings
- Added messages when you buy boosters/upgrades
- Fix Missions
- Fix issue with /is top resetting
Fixed Issues with crystals
- Fixed issues with bank items not being able to be disabled
- Fixed Issues with armorstands
- Fixed data duplication issues
- Made changes to portal messages
- Fixed issues with island crystals depositing
- Made default world spawn configurable
- Optimisation
- Add permissions for island portals
- Fixed island top placeholders
- Added cooldown for interaction messages
- Island Biome Placeholders
- Added Island Regen and delete settings
- Fixed issues with buckets
- Added withdrawrable crystals
- Per-Placeholder Default Values
- Added Perms as an alias to permissions
- Added UserJoinEvent
- Delete duplicates from Database
- Added IslandTopPlaceholders
- Fixed issues with island borders
- Fixed Island Top Teleporting
- Fixed issues with large islands lagging GUI's out
- Fixed issues with flashing Inventories
- Fixed issues with nether world border
- Added ability to bypass correctly
- Add Block limit upgrade
- Fix unsupported biome selection
- Fix ore generator NullPointerException
- Fix mission issues with ores in the 1.17
- Fix entity spawning on foreign islands
- Add Obsidian -> Lava Bucket
- Fix projectile message spam
- Visitors, IslandBans, and new events
- Fixed issues with duplication
- Fixed issues with island borders
- Added support for inventory title Placeholders
- Added cooldowns for commands
- Fixed bank command issues
- Fixed NPE
- Made /is top GUI async
- Fixed issues with safe locations
- Fixed Mission Requirements
Looks like I uploaded the wrong jar
Fixed issues with not being able to break crops
Added config for Island Ranks
Added Support for RoseStacker
Added ability to rename Island
Added Island Chat
Fixed Issues with private islands
Made inventories get head data async
Fixed issues with command Syntax
Made commands reload successfully
Added borders.yml
Fixed being able to interact with redstone
Added ability to change Island Biomes
[+] Added 1.17 Support
[+] Added Island Levelup Rewards
[+] Added option to clear chests on island regen
[+] Added more island bank subcommands
[+] Added Support for RoseStacker WildStacker and other stacker plugins
[*] Fixed Issue with not being able to Disable Commands
[*] Fixed issues with 1.8
[*] Fixed issues with MissionsGUI
[*] Fixed PAPI reload issues
[+] Added island member upgrade
[*] Made island distance automatically update if below minimum
[*] Fixed bug with config files
[*] Fixed 1.8-1.12 Support
[*] Optimized Island Recalculate
HotFix - Fixed issue with paperlib errors
[+] Added Chat Placeholders
[+] Added option to clear inventories on regen
[*] Fixed Shop Rounding Bug
[*] Fixed Island Bank Rewards not being added
[*] Fixed Essentials Spawn Issue
[*] Fixed Major issue in 3.0.0
WARNING: This update is a complete recode of the entire plugin, all configs and player data will reset.
[+] Added /is saveschematic command
[+] Added /is blockvalue
[+] Added Ocean Generator
[+] Added island transaction logs
[+] Added /is rewards command
[+] Added javadocs
[-] Removed /is admin
[*] Changed /is resetalldata to /is cleardata
[*] Rewards will no longer be automatically received
[*] Improved Bank commands
[*] Improved the API
[*] Improved the Island Shop
[*] Switched from using JSON to YAML
[*] Improved database support
[*] Improved Island Permissions
[*] Optimized Code
WARNING: Your upgrades.json and Boosters.json will reset
Bug Fixes, Optimisation, and Code Cleanup
Optimisations and other stuff I Cba to list
HotFix with Claims causing DB to become busy
- Fixed Issues with 1.8
- Refactored BStats
- Optimised SQL
- Added /is resetcrystals command
- Added RGB Support
- Fixed issues with island top
- FIxed Lag issues
- Fixed issues with stacked blocks not contributing towards value
- Removed data from IslandDataManager on island delete
- Fixed issues with IslandManager not saving
- Fixed issues with islands not deleting
- Fixed issues with /is top
I did stuff, cba to post it all here cuz im lazy
- Fixed issues with old holograms being kept on /is regen
- Fixed issues with holograms not reapearing on reload
- Fixed issues with stacked blocks
- Added /is purge
- Fixed NPE with RoseStacker
- Fixed issues with respawn anchor
Fixed Item Duplication Bug
Fixed issues with 1.8.8
FIxed issues with Sacked Blocks
- Various Bug Fixes
- RoseStacker Support
- Fixed Island deleting issues
- Limits for the island name
- Fixed issues with async chunk load
- Fixed issues with trees growing outside the border
- Added BlockStacking
- Fixed issues with visitors
- Interest messages on join
- Add option to create islands when a player joins
- Kicked players who fly into private islands
- Fixed issues with InteractEvent
- Fixed borders not updating when changed with command
- Fixed enderpearl issues
- Fix island value missions
- Stops itemframes from being broken from eggs
- Silentvisit permission to VisitorGUI
- Fixed issues with Updating
- Shaded XSeries
- Improved performance by setting biomes ASync
- Fixed issues with BorderColorGUI
- Added Option to change Nether Biome
- Added ability to customise head textures
- Added ability to clear inventory when you fall in void
- Fixed issues with ShopGUI
- Added iridiumskyblock.silentvisit permission
- Added more placeholders to top GUI
- Added IslandJoinEvent for api
- Update
- Added Island Chat Spy
- Removed island member amount from default /is top
- Prices for biomes
- Added option to Change the biome Icon and added Crystals Price
- Changed default /is top size
- Shop problems are fixed and added messages
- Added method to drop items on floor if players inv is full
- Fixed issue where inventories dont clear on /is regen
- Fixed issues with not enough money messages
- Added ability to do /is shop <ShopName>
- Fixed void teleportation issues
- Made translate gui depend on github servers
- Fixed bug when cant cast to crops
- Add bank & shop transaction logging
- Fix infinite selling glitch
- Add option to set a schematic offset
- Added biome section to schematics.json
- Added new placeholder to topgui
- Fixed issues with saving Dates
HotFix for missions inventory
- Fix island serialization
- Make pretty abbreviations faster
- Added a permission to mainCommand
- Update
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException
- Fix shop NullPointerException
- Shorten changed code
- Fix NullPointerException when no languages are available
- Added new setting for disabling back button
- Border command extended
- Check WorldEdit version on startup to prevent confusion
- Fix issues with abbreviations for values <= 0
- Shorten abbreviation code
- Fixed Issues with Player Interact
- Added /is trust as an alias to Coop command
- Added IslandRegenEvent
- Added Check For Full Inventory on Crystals Withdraw BankGUI
- Added MissionCompleteEvent on API
- Changed TopGUI
- Fixed Issue with infinite pasting schematic
- Fixed issues with island flight
- added back item for all guis
- visitorGUI and expel command
- Fix unnecessary biome changes
- Fixed issues with LanguagesGUI
- Set islandShop to false by default
- Add option to disable mobs targeting guests
- Call IslandKickEvent when using admin command
- Fixed issues with VisitorGUI
- Fix time unit
- Add abbreviation fallback
Hotfix for issues with IslandManager.json
- Fixed Issues with Biomes
- Fixed issues with Missions conditions
- Fixed issues with Buckets
- Optimised XBiome for versions lower than 1.16
- Added a different nether.schematic
- Re-coded island top and Value system
- Added RecalculateCommand
- Fixed Issues with 1.16
- Fixed island value with spawners
- Set nether portal search radius
- Fixed issues with 1.8
- Fixed NPE error
- Fix unwanted water behavior in nether
- Made the help page hover message configurable
- Cleanup commands
- Fixed Issues with ASyncWorldEdit
- Fixed Issues with permissions
- Fixed issue with Rank Placeholder
- Fixed possible NullPointerException
- Fix emerald duplication bug
- Fixed error with island positions
- Fixed Issues with visiting islands
- Fix floating point arithmetic issues
- Fix block place check
Added 1.16 Support
Fixed issues with schematics
- Fixed Issues with Island Admin command
- Made /is bypass overwrite island bans
- Fixed issues with island visit
- Fixed issues with 1.12 worldborder
- Added BreakSpawners permission
- Disabled all damage to island visitors
- Added unknown Command message
- Added messages when they player doesnt have permissions to build
- Fixed issue with visiting islands
- Fixed Issues with BlockBreakListener
- Improved Island crystals withdrawal
- Fixed issues with players not being able to teleport to island
- Fixed issues with Spawners not being calculated
- Fixed issues with negitive island value
Been very busy recently hence lack of updates. should be back to normal soon

- Fixed issues with worldborder
- Fixed issue with NPE
- Optimised Setting Blocks
- More Optimisation
- Probabbly fixed issues with PermissionsGUI
- Fixed island calculation
- Fixed issues with biomes
- Added option to set the default placeholder
Fixed Issues with 1.8-1.13 clients
- Fixed issues with island level placeholder
- Added cache to getting BlockData from legacy values
- Optimised Killing Entities
- Fixed island chat
- Fixed issues with commandManager
Bug Fixes and optimisation
- Added a way to dispatch commands for the island shop
- Redesigned Netherportal system
- Fixed issues with /is top showing spawners as null
- Made blocks being generated by the ore generator add to island value
- Fixed NPE on onEntitySpawn
- Fixed issue in inventories.json
- Added Starting Border Colour and Ability to disable Border Colours
- Fixed issue with shop.json
- Added more items to the farmer mission
- Added option to enable pvp
- Fixed issues with /is fly
- Fixed issues with 1.8
- Added support for AdvancedSpawners
- Fixed issue with generators
- Fixed issues with getting a User
- Fixed issues with interest
- Fixed issues with island border
- Fixed issues with soft dependencies
- Code Cleanup and Optimisation
- Fixed issues with miner missions
- Fixed island bank going negative
- Fixed bugs with coop GUI
- Added config option to block explosions
- Added option to limit blocks
- Added config option to dictate what world you start in
- Fixed NPE Errors
HotFix: Fixed issues with schematics
Warning: Your missions.json will reset
- Changed how island missions work
- Added a Never MissionRestart
- Added config option to disable leafs decaying
- Made Island missions only work in the skyblock worlds
- Made option to use island level instead of value in /is top
- Blocked entities moving between islands
- Fixed issue with getting an island via location
- Fixed issues with people being able to blow up others islands
- Fixed issues with multiversion Materials
- Added ability to create island on /is home if you dont have one
- Added a command to force update an islands value
- Added a way to update every island's value
- Added iridiumskyblock_island_size_dimensions placeholder
- Added iridiumskyblock_island_members_online placeholder
- Fixed issues with players being able to interact with entities
- Fixed issue with players being able to push a tnt minecart into another island
- Fixed issues with people being able to delete minecarts
- Changed invites to a HashSet
- Fixed issues with island home being null
- Code Cleanup
- added island value to inventories placeholders
- Fixed issues with schematics
- Recoded Missions
- Added /is languages to change the language of the plugin
- Fixed NPE error with missions
- made the commands reload on /is reload
- Fixed Issues with LanguagesGUI
- Fixed another issue with /is languages
- Added the page system for the LanguageGUI
- Fixed issues with STONE_BRICK_SLAB
- Fixed issues with crystals going negative
Apologies for the lack of updates this week.
- Fixed NPE Error
- Fixed issues with Island border not showing
- Gave error if the user is using CraftBukkit instead of spigot
- Fixed issue with IslandValue
- Fixed delays in inventories
- Added static getHandlerList
- Fixed NPE caused if you have netherislands disabled
- Fixed issues caused by XMaterial
- Fixed an issue with placeholders
- Fixed issues with shop
- Made vault a dependency
- Added decimal support to shop
- Changed update server
Special Thanks to my Patreons:
- RoXaS
- FlakeZ
- TryToKnowMe_
- Frilioth
- SaltyDaddy
- Dogz
- Dream
Warning your Missions.json will Reset
- Suppressed MultiversionMaterials warnings
- Added ability to change the /is menu gui
- Fixed issues with kicking offline players
- Added support to worldedit 6
- Made Island GUI's reset on /is reload
- Fixed NPE
- Fixed issues with teleporting home
- Added multiple levels for Missions
- Added message when island gets deleted
- Added mission level to the title
- Added a way to translate permission names
- Added island creation cooldown
- Added placeholders for time until midnight
- Added ability for user to bypass the cooldown with /is create
- Fixed issue when changing the MissionReset in config
- Added message if the player isnt in their island whilst flying
- Fixed error in give crystals message
- Converted plugin to 1.13+ api version
- Changed to 1.15 spigot jar
- Added configurable list of Biomes
- Optimised NMS
- Fixed issues with being able to set home just above the void
- made items with no selling price unable to be sold
- Fixed Issue with XBiome
- Fixed issues with shop on 1.8
- Fixed Issues with grass
- Fixed issue with block data when pasting schematics
- Fixed Issues with PaperSpigot
- Fixed Issues with island biomes
- Optimised Island Top
- Fixed issue with BiomeGUI showing 1.15 Biomes on 1.8
- Optimised GUI's
- Optimised island creation
- Removed stone being pasted with island
- Optimised Pasting schematics
- Added list of items an island has in /is top
Fixed issues with update servers
Fixed Issues With /is Shop
Made island blocks delete when island gets deleted
Fixed issues with default configs
Added Visit Heads to inventories.json
Made water and lava not flow past island borders
added error message if the user does not give arguments for /is transfer
Fixed issue if you do not parse a number to /is help
Added the ability to have a subtitle when you create a island
Changed how the island pastes in
Added ability to edit BorderColorGUI
Fixed NPE
HotFix: Fixes issues caused by 1.13 Schematics
HotFix: Fixed NPE issue which occurs everytime a player joins the server without being on an island
- Fixed npe issue on onPlayerMove
- Fixed lagg when server starts up
- Fixed issue with disabling nether islands
- Fixed Issue with Members GUI
- Fixed issues with GiveUpgradeCommand autocomplete
- Fixed lag issues with creating + deleting alot of islands
- Optimised sending border to players on server reload
- Optimised pasting schematics
- Fixed issues with sending island border
- Fixed issues with coop'd islands staying even after island delete
- Fixed issues with island visit message being sent to wrong person
- More optimisation on creating islands
- Fixed issues with Land being Generated
- Fixed issues with island homes
- Added Island Regeneration Cooldown
- Made the Boosters Items cost placeholders not hard coded in
- Edited config for optimal Performance
- Made plugin disable if it fails to parse configs
- Added Support for MergedSpawners
- Added Support for EpicSpawners and UltimateStacker
- Added Cache when finding island via location to improve performance
- Added the option for /is regen to change their schematic
- Fixed issue with /is bank not being reset upon island regeneration
- Fixed issues with 1.8
- Fixed issues due to vault plugin not being present
- Sent the player the world border on start
- Added /is shop
- Changed the way island backups save
- Fixed issues with 1.8
- Added permissions to pick items up on other peoples islands
- Added notification when a player visits your island
- Made the island manager save every minute instead of every seconds
- Fixed Issue with WarpGUI not removing warps
- Optimised the plugin
- Fixed issue with heads not displaying correctly
- Fixed Issue with /is fly disabling a block before border
- Added ability to change island biomes
- Made the backupInterval configurable
- Made it so you can get your lava back if you mess your generator up (1.13+ Only)
- Added method to broadcast island interest
- Added an autoupdater
- Added ability to make default islands private
- Made it possible to specify a players head in a gui
- Made it possible to go to another islands warps
- Fixed Bug with pistons being able to push blocks out the border
- Changed the Island Menu (Special Thanks to Flase)
- Added clickable /is help messages
- Changed the coop/uncoop messages
- Made modifications to /is coop
- Added placeholder for current biome
- Made all gui's configurable
- Fixed issue with island value
- Made users leave bypassing mode every time they join the server
- Fixed issue with world border disappearing on /reload
- Added method to delete old backups
- Fixed issues with Chinese characters
- Fixed NPE on server Startup
- Fixed issue with signs
- Added Config to rename roles
- Added ability to translate kick/demote message
- Fixed an error caused by an incorrect configuration
- Added config option to disable shop
- Fixed issues if we failed to connect to spigotmc
- Fixed issues if a person messages shop.json up
- Fixed issues with topGUI
- Optimised the way mission resets works
- Fixed NPE on onBlockPiston
- Cleared chests inventory on delete
- Fixed issue with /is warps
- Fixed issues with void teleport
- Edited default Upgrades.json
- Fixed Issues with Materials
- Fixed issues with is level calculation
- Fixed Issues with Ore Generator
- Removed Common Objects
- Fixed NPE Issue
- Made signs have option for colour
- Fixed issues with Island Level
- Added Sign Text to schematic pasting
- Removed onCommandPreprocessEvent Listener
- Fixed issues with some schematics
- Fixed typo with placeholders
- Fixed config error with Inventories.json
- Added boolean to allow water to be placed in the nether
- Added different message for /is visit
- Fixed issues with Deluxe Chat
- Made clearInventories false by default
- Fixed Issues with VisitGUI
- Fixed Issues with island flight
- Fixed Issues with /is coop
- Fixed Typo's
- Changed way IslandManager Saves + Implemented an automatic Island Backup
- Fixed issues updating from 2.2.0
Fixed critical error introduced in 2.2.0 Causing the IslandManager not to save the next island location properly, This caused some islands to be overwritten if the server reloaded.
- Fixed issue with Confirmation GUI
- Added option to reset upgrades & Boosters on /is regen
- Added Configurable Slots
- Added Option to change GUI Size
- Made it so if the islands will overlap, the distance in config.json will change
- Added Daily Interest on the island bank
- Added option to include Island Rank,Value,Name into the Island Chat
- Fixed Major issue with Island Manager
Warning: Your Missions.json will reset
- Added reset as an alias to Regen command
- Added island_top_level_# placeholder
- Added Configuration to help messages
- Added soft dependencies for chat plugins
- Added island chat
- Added island bank placeholders
- Fixed bug with Users names
- Added Permission option for killMobs
- Fixed NPE with CoopGUI
- Fixed issue with Flight Booster
- Optimisation
- Added option to disable a command
- Added option to set the upgrade for a players island
- Added values from island being pasted
- Fixed NPE Error
- Fixed issues with Island Flight
- Fixed issue with MembersGUI
- Fixed issues with spawn location in default island
- Added Minutes and seconds countdown for boosters
- Fixed Schematics config
- Added messages for /is coop
- Fixed Concurrent Modification Error
- Made Missions Customisable
- Moved BlockValues to a separate Config
- Fixed Out of Bounds Issue
- Fixed Issues with CommandManager
- Fixed Issues with CommandManager
- Fixed placeholders breaking on /papi reload
Warning: Your Upgrades.json and Boosters.json will reset
- Fixed Issue with /is coop
- Added /is coop to permissions
- Added option to configure the Island Created Title
- Added Config option for "Max Level Reached" Message
- Added option to configure yes/no messages for ConfirmationGUI
- Added option to configure background item for all GUI's
- Added CO-OP Inventory
- Added setname command
- Redid Upgrades config to allow for more configuration
- Made value per Level configurable
- Added iridiumskyblock_island_name placeholder
- Redid Boosters config
- Added Multiverse Support
- Added changed name message
- Added disableExplosions config option
- Made Missions Completed Configurable
- Added config option to decide if Inventories get cleared
- Added Island Bank
- Prevent people from crafting items with Island Crystals
- Added the option to change the world name
- Added vault support for missions
- Fixed Issue with "You cant kick owner"
- Fixed issue where title doesn't show up after mission complete
- Added placeholders for chat
- Fixed issues with COOP Gui
- Fixed Issues with Permissions
- Teleport players to spawn on island kick
- Edited config to fix island overlap issue
- Fixed issue where players can kill animals
Fixed an urgent bug allowing anyone who doesn't have an island to break blocks in any island. Recommended you update asap (This bug was introduced in the last 2.1.8 Update)
- Added the ability for players to open other islands warp menu
- Fixed issue with Placeholders
- Added transfer command
- Fixed issue where ungrown crops count towards missions
- Added island menu
- Fixed issue with per world inventories
- Added admin command
- Added clickable /is join messages
- Fixed bug in /is permissions
- Added default permissions
- Added /is Givebooster command
- Added separate generator for nether
- Added formatting to placeholders
- Added option to disable Nether Islands
- Added Island Bans
- Added Confirmation to /is transfer
- Added a message when a player joins your island
- Added the ability to show the value of other players
- Added confirmation to /is delete and /is regen
- Allowed bypassing players to visit private islands
- Fixed issue with world generation sometimes generating normal land
- Added default home location for different schematics
- Formatted value on /is top
- Added /is Visit GUI
- Added Island co-op
- Fixed Upgrades not working if Generator upgrade is maxed out
- Set blocksPerTick to 50 by default
- Made the player teleport to the island they fall off not their island
- Added Config Option & Permissions for void teleport
- Added Using Nether Portal to /is permissions
- Fixed issue where people cant break blocks outside sky block world
- Fixed Issues with Vault
- Fixed typo in Inventories.json
- /is help Configurability
- Added Update Message
- Fixed issue with (some) 1.13 Schematics
- Made the schematic do light updates
- Cleared players inventory on /is regen and /is delete
- Added Vault Support
- Added More Placeholders
- Added island permissions
- Added Boosters time configurability
- Fixed Issues with world border
- Fixed NPE With permissions GUI
- Fixed issues with Schematics GUI
- Bug Fixes
- Added MVDWPlaceholderAPI Support
- Fixed "Flickering" effect
- Bug fix with mission GUI's
- Moved GUI titles out from the Config.json and into Inventories.json
- Hidden commands players dont have access to
- Fixed Errors
- Sent the Player to spawn on /is delete
- Added WildStacker Support
- Fixed Island Sizes being 1 block to short
- Fixed Mistake in /is upgrades causing it to have no background
- Fixed A bug with selecting the schematics causing it to crash
- Added Nether Islands
- Added Upgrades Gui to Inventory.json
- Fixed world Generation (hopefully)
- Fixed config error with Missions GUI
- Fixed issue executing some commands such as /is reload
- Updated /is top to run on blocks per sec instead of layers
- Fixed World Border
- Fixed the title being shown before the player has chosen a schematic
- Added Schematic Select GUI
- Renamed some strings still calling the plugin EpicSkyblock
- Bug Fixes
Sorry, Jenkins keeps breaking. Ill use this until i see that jenkins is 100% working
Sorry for all these updates. I fixed the jenkins page
Jenkins page is having some issues so its down for the moment. will be up again shortly
Just updated the Jenkins server URL
Beta versions directly built from discord.
Warning: in this version we switched to uuids instead of playernames so all island data will be lost if you are updating
Fixed a config issue:
Replaced Distance: 1 with Distance: 200
This will fix the islands spawning over each other. If you are updating from an earlier version please either let your config.json regen or replace this manually
Fixed Npe's
Fixed Islands spawning over other islands
Fixed issue with /is upgrades
Added OreGen Upgrade
Regenerating Island now clears inventory
/is Visit now teleports you to the players island not your own
Inviting players now works
Fixed Npe Errors
Made /is create an island / teleport you home instead of showing help menu
Forgot to remove some bug testing code.
Uploaded the wrong plugin version.
Fixed 1.8 World Border
Dropped WorldEdit as a dependency
Fixed 1.13+ schematics
Added 1.13 Schematic Types
Added World Edit as a dependency
Added /is visit
Added /is public/private
Added /is kick
Added More messages
Fixed Competitor not working if you lose value
Fixed tnt not being stoped
Fixed a NPE being generated by the give crystals commands
Fixed a NPE issue
Added a /is help menu
EpicSkyblock has been recoded completely so unfortunately any data coming from previous versions will not carry over.
However we have fixed loads of bugs and added many new features and optimizations such as changing the island border and a new /is top GUI
Made it link to the ci website so you always get the latest version from github
Fixed players not being able to join another players island
Fixed people being able to open a chest/ place blocks on other peoples islands
Added /is public/private allows people to stop people using /is visit
Added a cooldown for /is regen
Added /is value
Added Placeholder support
Fixed Issue where players cannot invite another player to an island
Increased size between island
Fixed a bug where players could break blocks if the other player didn't have an island
Updated permissions:
Fixed Items not spawning in chest for 1.13+
EpicSkyblock Will be Releasing Under the name "SavageSkyblock" on the 1st of June
Fixed Items not spawning in chests
Fixed Schematics not pasting in middle of island
Fixed Upgrades
Fixed Players taking fall damage when teleporting to island
Removed Entities on island deletion and Island Reset
Fixed Players spawning in wrong location
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed islands not loading on restart
- Fixed Islands being overlapped
Optimised IsTop(only allows TileEntities to be added such as beacons hoppers spawners)
Added Messages.yml
Fixed Island Warps issue
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed /is list not working on 1.13
- Fixed /is Missions not working on 1.13
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Schematic Loading not working for 1.13+
- Fixed 1.13 world boarder not working
Removed Dependancy on World Edit
Added Support for 1.13-1.13.2
Bug Fixes:
- NPE Error fixes
- Optimised Island Boarders, They now only update when you move islands (and on upgrades)
- Fixed Having to do /is create command twice sometimes
Added /is Visit command (allows you to visit other peoples islands)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Warp Upgrades not working
- Fixed blocks not breaking in other worlds
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the plugins prefix in config.yml
- Fixed a few issues with the island top
- Fixed NPE errors
Bug Fixes:
- NPE Errors
- Added a check for worlds on blocking placing/destroying of blocks
Added option to change prefix in config.yml (more configuration comming soon)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed taking fall damage on /is home
Added more title messages for moving islands
Hey, im going to add alot more missions to /is missions. if you have any suggestions, please pm me or dm me on discord Peaches_MLG#2443
Removed some Missions that require other plugins e.g. win a koth do 30 duels ect (these were missions that were on my old server and are no longer functional)
Will add more Missions soon. if anyone has any ideas please pm me.
Added titles which will apear upon entering an island
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Teleportation back to island when you fall off
- Fixed some GUI's not working
- Removed MobCoins Booster due to incompatability
- Fixed Upgrades being reset on restart
- Fixed /is chat not working
Added Physical Boarder
Bug Fixes
Added unsafe istop calculation. this will be replaced with safe lookups soon, however it is async for not to fix the lagg isue with the recalculations.