IPDynamic icon

IPDynamic -----

Block the dynamic IPs of malicious players.

Ban Enhancement (op2) and Update of (op1)
Performance Improvement (op1 - HOTFIX)
I strongly recommend not using op2; only use it as a last resort. However, here are all the changes.

I recommend reading everything before using (op2)
Delete the
config.yml file to apply the op2 enhancement. If you don't delete it, you will encounter performance issues.

/ipdynamic op1 <ip> <reason> (Recommended)

This method is more stable and recommended. You only need to add the player's IP, and a dynamic ban will be applied specifically to that IP. This approach is more effective if the player switches to a new dynamic IP; simply copy their new IP, and you will block all access to the server by applying the ban to the last digit of their IP.

Note: If the player continues to change their IP address after 2 bans, you can reapply their 3rd ban. If they bypass the ban again, you can use the option 2 ban as a last resort. This method is more complex and risky but will block an entire dynamic IP range based on the last 2 digits. I recommend reading about option 2 for more details.

/ipdynamic op2 <ip> <reason> (Not Recommended) (As a last resort)

This option is a last resort if (op1) still allows some people to bypass bans by not only changing the last digit but also the penultimate digit. For example, with (op1), a ban might cover 127.0.0.* but users can evade it by changing their IP to, thus bypassing the (op1) ban. Even if you reapply the restriction to that IP and they bypass it again, the purpose of option 2 is to blacklist the last two digits as a final measure. This blacklists IPs in the range from 0 to 255, completely blocking access to that IP, but be aware that this may affect multiple players in the process.
----------, Sep 18, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 385
First Release: Sep 6, 2024
Last Update: Jan 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings