Interface4 icon

Interface4 -----

Provides a general interface for my plugins

ParticleUtils added, VersionUtils added, PluginUtils added
ParticleUtils is capable of drawing static or moving lines between two locations, with a provided frequency (How many per block) and time to move between the two locations (If relevant)
Code (Java):
ParticleUtils. drawLine (Location loc1, Location loc2, double frequency, Particle particle ) ;
ParticleUtils. drawMovingLine (Location loc1, Location loc2, double time, double frequency, Particle particle, JavaPlugin plugin ) ;
PluginUtils has one purpose - get a Plugin instance of the main class of another plugin by plugin name
Code (Java):
PluginUtils. getMain ( String plugin ) ;
VersionUtils is an easy way to see whether or not a plugin is using it's latest version on Spigot, or get the latest version posted on Spigot.
projectID is the integer at the end of a plugin's Spigot link (For example, Interface4 has a projectID of 102119)
Code (Java):
VersionUtils. isLatest (JavaPlugin plugin, int projectID ) ;
VersionUtils. getLatest (JavaPlugin plugin, int projectID ) ;
----------, May 27, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,932
First Release: May 21, 2022
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings