-Added: Optimized player data access/modification/storage. A lot of changes were made on the player data management, this will not affect existing player data in any way, but if I missed something it could affect new saved data like cooldowns, influence, etc. If you notice an issue like this is happening, please let me know in the discussion!
-Added compatibility with 1.21.4.
can_be_started_on_air option to conversation entities. When enabled, players will be able to start the conversation even if they are not on the ground.
can_be_started_on_air option to the Editing GUI.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed important bug with playing sounds on 1.21.1- versions.
%interactions_current_conversation_text_<line>% PlaceholderAPI variable to display the current dialogue text.
%interactions_current_conversation_name% PlaceholderAPI variable to display the current conversation name.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added compatibility with 1.21.3.
-Fixed important bug with the previous version, throwing console errors when trying to add new conversations on the GUI.
-Fixed bug with
last_actions and random dialogue being enabled in the conversation.
-Fixed console error that was appearing sometimes when detecting for nearby NPCs/entities.
-Fixed issue with Options in Dialogue when Write System is set to CHARACTER.
-Fixed issue with Options in Dialogue when Write System is enabled.
-Added: You can now insert OPTIONS directly into dialogue messages, using the
%option_<x>% variable, making them more customizables. This also requires to enable the new
options_in_dialogue option in the conversation. More info on the wiki!
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added compatibility with 1.21.1.
-Fixed compatibility with 1.20-.
-Added compatibility with 1.21.
-Added compatibility with Paper 1.20.5/1.20.6.
-Added compatibility with 1.20.5/1.20.6 (Tested with latest version of Citizens and works correctly. ProtocolLib is not yet released for 1.20.6 so be aware of that!!)
-Fixed important issues loading player data (including influence).
-Fixed issue with the volume property in the
playsound_resource_pack actions.
-Fixed issue that was allowing players to execute the same dialogue twice (at the same time).
-Fixed issue with
selectable_options feature, when writing a wrong option in the chat.
-Fixed issue with command whitelist in default config.
-Added Interrupt Actions feature to the edit inventory.
-Fixed important console error with
send_back_hidden_chat option on latest versions of ProtocolLib/Paper.
-Fixed issue with
interrupt_actions option when player leaves the server.
-Added compatibility with 1.20.4.
-Added WORD mode to the Write Dialogues option. With this mode, the dialogues will be sent word by word instead of character by character.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed issue that was causing the written dialogues to continuously be sent after the conversation has finished.
-Fixed console error issue with the verify system.
The plugin was fully recoded. I made this decision mainly to make the code more maintainable so I can update the plugin in an easier way. Everything should be working as before. If you find bugs please tell me asap so I can fix them!
WRITE DIALOGUES option. This option allows dialogues to be written instead of showing instantly, which make the conversation more realistic.
-Modified the API. You can check the changes on the wiki.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed issue reseting influence on
/int resetplayer command.
20% OFF until Thursday!
-Fixed particular issue when finding player data sometimes.
-Added: Completely modified the requirements/conditions system for player options and conditional dialogues. Now you can compare 2 variables and use more conditional types.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added compatibility with 1.20.
-Fixed ProtocolLib Chat issues on 1.19.4.
-Fixed important bug on
remove_item action when using the PlaceholderAPI CheckItem expansion.
-Added support for PlaceholderAPI variables on all actions.
-Added the possibility to use JSON format messages in conversation dialogues. Example:
Code (Text):
- 'json: ["",{"text":"Remember to check the ","color":"#AFD6E9"},{"text":"SPAWN","bold":true,"color":"#FF80C0","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Use /spawn to teleport","bold":true,"underlined":true}]}}]'
Remember to check the WIKI!
interrupt_actions option to conversations. Here you can set actions to be executed if the player interrupts the conversation in any of the dialogues of the current conversation tree. Ways of interrupting a conversation: Leaving the server, using /int stop command, stopping the server, leaving the conversation radius.
-Fixed console error when teleporting to another world while in a conversation.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added: Dialogue time property was modified. Now, when you set the time to 0, it means the next dialogue will be sent instantly along this dialogue. This is useful for showing a dialogue and options at the same time. If you want to make the player continue with the dialogue manually using a NEXT button, set the time to -1.
-Added actionbar action type.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed inconsistency when starting a conversation from a greater distance that the end radius of the conversation.
-Fixed issues when starting conversations in mid air (some blocks were not being verified like grass or torches).
skip_dialogue_on_npc_click option. When enabled, players will be able to skip dialogues clicking again on the NPC.
-Fixed chat related bug when using
/int edit command.
Remember to check the WIKI!
hide_chat_while_in_conversation_type option in 1.19 servers and latest ProtocolLib version.
-Fixed: Players are not allowed anymore to start conversations while in the air (like jumping).
-Added: Now, the
/interactions resetplayer command also resets the cooldown for the conversation.
-Fixed tab complete for
/interactions resetplayer command.
INFLUENCE POINTS system. Players can now have a certain amount of influence points with conversation entities. You can use influence as condition for certain dialogues or options to appear in each conversation.
-Added influence command:
/interactions influence set/add/remove <player> <conversation_entity> <value>.
influence action type.
%interactions_influence_<conversation_entity>% PlaceholderAPI variable.
-Fixed a permission for commands tab complete.
Remember to check the WIKI!
%interactions_has_dialogue_<file>.<conversation>.<dialogue>% variable can be used now as a PlaceholderAPI variable.
-Added compatibility with 1.19.
-Fixed important issue on 1.8-1.15 versions regarding chat messages.
conversation_start_click_type option in the config. This will allow players to start conversations pressing the swap hand key (F) by looking at the NPC. This option only works on 1.9+.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed error with holograms when starting conversation with no location using
/int start command.
-Fixed issues with the
send_back_hidden_chat option.
-Fixed important bug when
use_protocollib option is enabled and
block_movement disabled.
interactions.bypasscooldown.<conversation> permission to allow players bypass the cooldown of a conversation.
-Modified: Op players will now bypass conversations with cooldown.
-Fixed issue when
use_protocollib is enabled and the player is teleported on a conversation.
actions_after_dialogue option was removed and instead now you can add
actions (actions executed when the dialogue starts) and
last_actions (actions executed when the dialogue ends) for each dialogue.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed possible chat bug when editing conversations.
-Fixed bug in
/interactions verify command regarding
player_command_as_op action.
-Fixed NullPointerException error when leaving the server and save conversation progress is enabled.
-Fixed HEX colored messages in 1.18.
-Fixed other small bugs in 1.16+ versions.
-Added Command tab completion for all commands.
-Fixed bug that was allowing players to skip dialogues without a skip button.
-Fixed some issues with the
/interactions resetplayer command.
-Fixed inconsistency between
use_protocollib and
block_movement options.
-Fixed: Selectable options will be only enabled if
block_movement option for the conversation is enabled as well.
-Fixed issued with
use_protocollib is disabled and
selectable_options is enabled. When the player moves, a lot of empty messages were being generated and sent back.
/interactions stop <player> command to end the current conversation of a player.
-Fixed important issue with Action Bar messages when
send_back_hidden_chat option is enabled.
-Fixed issue in 1.8-1.12 versions when
allow_mob_damage option is set to false.
send_back_hidden_chat option. When this option is enabled and
hide_chat_while_in_conversation_type is set to
ALL, all blocked/hidden messages will be sent again to the player when the conversation ends.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed issue with
remove_item action type in 1.8-1.12 versions.
allow_mob_damage option. If you disable this option, mobs will not target and attack players inside a conversation.
-Fixed important console error when selecting an option.
Remember to check the WIKI!
optionsMainFormat message in messages.yml file. Here you can define a format for the player options message, adding text lines before and after the options.
-Fixed important error when writing an option on chat.
-Added %player% variable in
player_command_as_op action.
/interactions resetplayer command. Now you can reset a dialogue for a specific conversation using:
/interactions resetplayer <player> <conversation entity> (optional)<dialogue> (The dialogue must be written like this: <conversation>.<dialogue>)
/interactions resetplayer command now can be executed from the console.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added PlaceholderAPI support on conversation options.
-Added verification of actions for conversation options.
-Fixed bug in the boss bar when skiping dialogues and
change_progress_with_time option is enabled.
-Added compatibility for 1.17.
-Fixed console error message sometimes when boss bar
change_progress_with_time option is enabled.
-Fixed bug when starting a conversation while already editing one.
hide_chat_while_in_conversation_type option in the config. 3 possible options: "NONE", "CHAT", "ALL".
This will allow hidding some messages in the chat while a player is in a conversation.
hide_chat_while_in_conversation option from the config.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added Cooldown for conversations. You can now define the amount of seconds the player must wait before talking to the NPC again.
-Added alias for command:
Remember to check the WIKI!
custom_permission_message option for conversation entities. With this option you can specify a unique permission error message for each NPC conversation.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed console error message when joining the game in some cases.
protocollib_selectable_options_action option in the config. It could be set to "SNEAK" or "JUMP" depending on which action do you want players to use when selecting an option, while
selectable_options and
use_protocollib options are enabled.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed issue with
allow_inventory_interact_while_in_conversation option, when disabled, multiple repeated messages were being sent when dropping items.
-Fixed issue that was removing the whole conversation config when you made a mistake on it.
*30% OFF until Friday!*
use_protocollib option. This will allow the plugin to use ProtocolLib to cancel movement, so the player movement will be prevented completely while in a conversation. I suggest you that you enable this option if you also have the
selectable_options option enabled.
*30% OFF until Friday!*
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Fixed and removed error in console when player walks into a pressure plate.
selectable_options option in the config. This will allow players to use W and S keys to choose an option and SNEAK to use it.
-Fixed {centered} tag not working on NPC names in dialogues.
Remember to check the WIKI!
update_notification option in the config.
-Added: Blocked other interactions on
allow_inventory_interact_while_in_conversation when is set to false.
-Added HEX color codes in click and hover messages in chat.
-Fixed bug when comparing incorrect variables in numerical conditions.
-Fixed bug that was keeping the slow effect if the player leaves the server while in a conversation.
-Fixed "{centered}" variable appearing on bossbar and actionbar messages.
-Fixed API Wrong argument in class InteractionsConversation.
allow_inventory_interact_while_in_conversation option in the config.
player_command_as_op action for dialogues.
-Added 1.16 HEX color support for actionbar and title messages.
-Fixed issue starting conversations with Citizens NPCs with 1.16 HEX color codes in their names.
-Added an "Advanced Configuration" GUI Inventory for editing
conversation entity properties.
-Fixed error when player with no data leaves the server while in a conversation.
-Added verification for starting points on
/interactions verify command.
/interactions start <conversation> <player> <x> <y> <z> <world> command. With this command you can start a conversation for a player. The location is optional and it works for using the leave radius option.
requires_permission option for conversation entities. When is set to 'true', players will need the
"interactions.start.<conversation>" permission to speak with the NPC.
-Fixed console error when joining the server and player has no data.
save_conversation_progress option for conversation entities. When enabled, if the player leaves the server or the server is closed while talking to an NPC, the progress of the conversation will be saved for the next time they join.
-Modified API. InteractionsConversation class now has a Location object instead of an Entity one.
Remember to check the WIKI!
-Added NEXT/SKIP button to allow players to skip a dialogue by pressing a button on chat.
This button is defined by the
%next% variable. You can use this variable at the end of any dialogue. The variable will be replaced with a new message added to the messages.yml file.
Code (Text):
nextDialogueText: "&8[&aNext➜&8]"
You can now set the time for a dialogue to 0, if you want the player to continue with the dialogue only by clicking on the button on chat.
-Fixed: Removed spam in the console when players use conversation options.
Remember to check the WIKI!
slow_effect option to the edit GUI.
-Fixed issue with
/interactions verify command.
-Fixed bug when leave radius is enabled and the player is teleported from a conversation.
-Fixed issues with
/interactions verify command when checking for requirements.
-Added invalid action check for
/interactions verify command.
-Added invalid requirement check for
/interactions verify command.
{centered} variable to center a dialogue text. Needs to be added at the beginning of the text.
-Added 2 API events:
ConversationStartEvent and
-Fixed issue with slow effect when leaving conversation.
Remember to check the WIKI!
slow_effect option for conversation entities. When enabled, this will create a "zoom effect" when talking to the NPC.
-Fixed issue with actionbar in conversations using the API.
Remember to check the WIKI!
hide_chat_while_in_conversation option in the config.
-Added new messages for bossbars and actionbars when players need to select an option.
-Fixed important bug regarding permissions on clicking conversation options.
-Added Action Bar feature while in conversation.
commands_whitelist option to the config.
-Added PlaceholderAPI variables support for dialogue messages.
-Added small API which consist (for now) of three methods: getPlayerConversation, startConversation and endConversation.
/interactions list command.
-Added clickable options support.
-Fixed empty line on JSON message hovers.
-Fixed perfomance issues regarding verifying conversations.
-Fixed important bug when executing some actions in 1.13-1.16 versions.
-Added Boss Bar feature while in conversation. (Only works on 1.9+)
-Fixed bug with End Radius item disappearing.
-Added Update Checker
allow_commands_while_in_conversation option to the Config.
-Added messages for options of the config.