HuskHomes 4.9.3 fixes bugs found in the previous release.
- Added /huskhomes homeslots <username> [view|add|remove|set] (#495)
- Permission node: huskhomes.command.huskhomes.homeslots (operator-only by default)
- Requires economy features to be enabled and an economy hook to be loaded
- Lets admins manually adjust the purchased home slots of another user
- Improved the compatibility of /back with EEssentials and other Fabric server-side mods (thanks: Novoro)
- Fixed explicit negative warp permission nodes not overriding permission-restricted warp wildcard nodes (#779)
- Fixed /tpaall failing to send request messages out on the local server (#777)
To update from v4.9.2, please
regenerate your locale (messages-xx-xx.yml) file.