HuskHomes 3.2, although light on new features, is heavy on fixing various issues encountered by users in the previous version. Most noticeably, it adds a new config option to let
/sethome and
/setwarp commands overwrite, fixes issues and introduces new API for bulk-delete commands and makes significant improvements to the performance and API for random teleports.
- Add an option to the plugin config to have homes automatically be relocated instead of the command failing when using /sethome and /setwarp with a home argument that matches the name of an existing respective home or warp. (#168)
- Fixed a variety of issues where random teleport location generation would fail in many cases due to a flawed implementation of needed safe ground detection logic. Random teleport positions no longer cache and the setting for this has been removed.
- Added a message informing players when they execute the /rtp command that the system is finding a position for them.
- Fixed an issue where busy servers sending parallel plugin message requests would conflict with each other causing intermittency with cross-server teleportation features
- Fixed an issue that meant players could access permission restricted warps without the requisite permission node
- Changed the format of the permission restricted warps permission node for consistency (huskhomes.warp.<warp> → huskhomes.command.warp.<warp>)
- Fixed an issue that meant the "Teleportation complete" message would appear twice when teleporting cross-server
- Fixed an issue that meant the wrong locale was displayed when teleporting other users to coordinates
- Fixed the /tp and /tphere commands not working for users vanished by vanish plugins (#255)
- Fixed an issue where if your teleport warmup time was set to 0, it would still treat the teleport as though it were a timed one, showing messages and restricting movement
- Fixed an issue that meant the server could lock up when using /delhome all or /delwarp all (#265)
- Fixed an issue that meant running /delwarp with zero arguments would throw an internal error (#264)
- Fixed an issue where /rtp would sometimes put players inside blocks (#263)
- Added support for RedisEconomy, courtesy of Ermibergo02 (#259)
- Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-tw) locales, courtesy of ApliNi
- Updated the German (de-de) locales, courtesy of Ceddix
- Updated the Italian (it-it) locales, courtesy of Villag3r
- API (breaking): The Random Teleport API has been reworked. Hooks that work with the API in v3.1 will need to be altered to accommodate the new spec. Providers now need to simply supply an Optional<Position> rather than the previously complex approach.
- API: Added new cancellable events for deleting all homes and deleting all warps. Note that the normal deletion events are not fired when a player chooses to delete all of their homes / warps.
To update from v3.1, regenerate your config.yml and messages.yml files. If you're updating from older versions, you'll need to follow the
legacy migration instructions.