HuskHomes 2.10.1 makes a couple of small improvements and fixes bugs.
- Fix the wrong version being reported in-game
- Fixed teleports failing to complete if players are being ridden by passenger entities (#114)
- Updated Pl3xMap integration to support SquareMap. Pl3x has discontinued Pl3xMap and it is now being maintained by a new team under the SquareMap name. (#121)
- Added an option to disable the /back command in config.yml under general options. (#115)
- Separated some permission nodes for teleport request and teleport commands. Old permission nodes should work as normal, but additional permissions have been added.
- /tp - (previously
- /tphere - huskhomes.tphere (previously
- /tpa - huskhomes.tpa (previously huskhomes.tprequest)
- /tpahere - huskhomes.tpahere (previously huskhomes.tprequest)
- /tpaccept - huskhomes.tpaccept (previously huskhomes.tprequest)
- /tpdeny - huskhomes.tpdeny (previously huskhomes.tprequest)
- Updated Polish (pl) localisation, courtesy of ReferTV
- Update libraries
To update, just drag+drop.